Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I LOVE my husband more than words could possibly express
The words to it. since I know he doesnt understand. :-)
I went* walking through streets soaked in oblivion
I went through parks with ghosts and fallen angels
I went without light, I went without sun,
I went without a feeling, I went dying.
I went flying over the sea on broken wings.
Oh love, you appeared in my life and you cured my wounds
Oh love, you are my moon, you are my sun, you are my bread of every day.
You appeared with your light
No, never leave, oh, don't leave, no
You are the glory us both until death
In a world of illusion
I was hopeless
I was abandoned
I lived without feelings
But (then) you came
Oh love, you are my religion
You are light, you are my sun
Open your heart, open your heart
So long ago, my heart*,
I lived in pain, in oblivion
Oh love, you are my blessing, my religion
You are my sun that cures the cold
You appeared with your light,
No, no, no, don't abandon me
No, never, my love
Glory of us both
You are sun, you are my all
You are blessing.
I will live forever by your side with your light
I will die by your side
You are glory and blessing
You are my blessing*
You are my religion
You are my eternity
And even my salvation
I had nothing
And today I have you with glory
With glory, with glory
My love (x5)
You are my blessing
You are my light, you are my sun.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
horrible week
I haven't STILL heard from my frickin husband. Yeah I know he's mad and pissed off at me for biting his head off and being honest with him about a couple major issues.. But when in the hell is he going to get over it and gimme a frickin call? I have been so irratated with him that I guess its a good thing he hasn't called lately cause I woulda def let him have it worse than what I feel like today. I'm so bothered and bummed. That my whole week was great up until I hear from him yesterday. I wrote him a very mean letter on motomail earlier and when he gets it he is NOT going to be happy. I mean all my emotions are built into so many different ways right now that it just sucks thinking about what really I could say and how hurtful I could be.
But oh well, it is what it is at this point. He needs to carry on. Suck it up and be a frickin man
But oh well, it is what it is at this point. He needs to carry on. Suck it up and be a frickin man
Monday, April 27, 2009
Mixed feelings can just ruin your day

Alright so today was going good.. and out of no where my sister Vanessa said she had to tell me something.. so first thing I thought was oh man something is wrong... well she told me to go away from everyone so I could be alone.. well she sent me a picture message. and the picture message was a picture of a pregnancy test that showed pregnant!!! My sister is pregnant! and I am so happy for her and my brother in law.. this is prefect.. they just bought a house that should be done sometime in July/August. and I really couldnt be any more happy. She is so excited but so scared at the same time. But I am happy!
I will posts updates when they come.. but there is a picture of exactly what their kitchen is going to look like. .;-)
well after an eventful day.. (NOT) my husband is randomly online, on myspace and just decided to leave me a comment, but didnt feel the need to log on aim or yahoo messenger without me having to tell him? what the heck.. sometimes he just dont get that I literally wait hours and hours and days and weeks to hear from him. he is very inconsiderate and he does NOT realize it.. so its whatever at this point.. if he wants to continue acting like a douche bag that whatever. I dont even want to talk to him if hes going to act that way. .
I dont have anything else to say right now.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I must say that tonight was rather unxpected and totally not predicatable. But my gracious handsome husband snuck in a 45 min conversation today. :-) my husband is far from amazing. He's so wonderful as a man but so great as a husband too. It had been since April 6th since we've last spoke to it was really unexpected to hear his soft soothing voice and his little precious laugh that just melts my heart. He sounded like he was in the next room. Which was nice cause most of the time it seems like he is a million miles away and sometimes that makes me feel a bit uneasy and he knows I hate that feeling. But he is doing well. He's only showered once since he's been in the Phils. Ill tell you what I really don't think any other branches compare... Were tough ones. Even though my babeos booty needs to be cleaned I still love him and his stinky ol self. :-)
He told me it rained pretty much the entire time while he was there so I was happy he didn't take any of his electronics to the field. Even though I told him he should cause hed be bored out there. Lol
Well anyway his company got in trouble because one of the guys lost a rifle out there!!! How does someone loose his life life? Oh yeah by drinking while working!! That's how. So that douche bag got the whole company in trouble! Dumb guys I swear. Foolishness
I think its so precious that when I don't talk to my husband he goes on and on about how much he's hates the field and marines and I just sit an listen to him talk and talk. Literally he could talk for days about how some marines are just ignorant douche faces. Haha. But he had a lot to say last night, even though I wish I coulda talked more. Just a tad. I'm happy but husband let loose and chatted away. Hey its not always you get to have you husband talk and talk. Ya know? So I soaked it up. So tomm he should be calling me same time. Tomm he is going out in the city to do me some shopping. He said he bought me a shirt that says like filipina or something like that. Omg only my husband would get something that was mispelt. I love him. He's so good to me. He tries really super hard to make me notice and usually all the time I notice without him even trying to get me to notice. :-)
Ahhh my husband made my night. I'm happy we spoke.
I love you. Babe-o
Good night my love
The wife
Miss my husband
He told me it rained pretty much the entire time while he was there so I was happy he didn't take any of his electronics to the field. Even though I told him he should cause hed be bored out there. Lol
Well anyway his company got in trouble because one of the guys lost a rifle out there!!! How does someone loose his life life? Oh yeah by drinking while working!! That's how. So that douche bag got the whole company in trouble! Dumb guys I swear. Foolishness
I think its so precious that when I don't talk to my husband he goes on and on about how much he's hates the field and marines and I just sit an listen to him talk and talk. Literally he could talk for days about how some marines are just ignorant douche faces. Haha. But he had a lot to say last night, even though I wish I coulda talked more. Just a tad. I'm happy but husband let loose and chatted away. Hey its not always you get to have you husband talk and talk. Ya know? So I soaked it up. So tomm he should be calling me same time. Tomm he is going out in the city to do me some shopping. He said he bought me a shirt that says like filipina or something like that. Omg only my husband would get something that was mispelt. I love him. He's so good to me. He tries really super hard to make me notice and usually all the time I notice without him even trying to get me to notice. :-)
Ahhh my husband made my night. I'm happy we spoke.
I love you. Babe-o
Good night my love
The wife
Miss my husband
Friday, April 24, 2009
So. I'm officially headed with the family up to Flagstaff for a weekend trip of camping. I haven't heard from Derek in almost 2 weeks and I feel like I'm dying inside. I started listening to certain songs and I'm getting more and more depressed. I've been so sad about not hearing from him. I miss him so much.
I haven't updated the past couple days cause the last couple days have sorta just been a blur to me. I'm just going through the motions right now and trying to hurry up and get to the next day and pray my husband calls me. Gosh I feel like I'm dying without hearing my husbands voice. I've accepted a while ago that he's not here but just the fact of him not calling and him being busy hurts me so bad. I feel like I'm slowly... Gahhh. I don't know it just sucks so bad.
In other news... I have a special birthday present for my husband! I can't wait to tell him. He's gonna be shocked when I tell him what he can do and buy. I sent out his special package which I know he will def enjoy (wink wink babe-o) ;-).
In other news I talked to the family readiness officer ssgt Pogue. He updated me on the guys and their status' and all that good stuff I am officially back in the loop of getting informatio every week on my guym and the other guys. The emails that I get put a smile on my face. :-)
Well. I'm about to take a nap.
I miss you husband!
More and more
Love you,
The wife.
I haven't updated the past couple days cause the last couple days have sorta just been a blur to me. I'm just going through the motions right now and trying to hurry up and get to the next day and pray my husband calls me. Gosh I feel like I'm dying without hearing my husbands voice. I've accepted a while ago that he's not here but just the fact of him not calling and him being busy hurts me so bad. I feel like I'm slowly... Gahhh. I don't know it just sucks so bad.
In other news... I have a special birthday present for my husband! I can't wait to tell him. He's gonna be shocked when I tell him what he can do and buy. I sent out his special package which I know he will def enjoy (wink wink babe-o) ;-).
In other news I talked to the family readiness officer ssgt Pogue. He updated me on the guys and their status' and all that good stuff I am officially back in the loop of getting informatio every week on my guym and the other guys. The emails that I get put a smile on my face. :-)
Well. I'm about to take a nap.
I miss you husband!
More and more
Love you,
The wife.
Monday, April 20, 2009
We bought MY wedding dress today!!!!
Oh my dear Lord!!! Talk about being overwhelmed! I found my wedding dress for my big day today!!! It was the first dress and thee last dress that I tried on.
Funny thing is, is when Vanessa got married we went to the same place I bought the dress that she did... Well when Vanessa bought her dress I told my mother.. "Mom that is going to be my wedding dress!" That was 2 and a half years ago!! So well I went to that bridal store and we found that same exact dress from two years ago! I knew it was the dress. Instantly. The first dress that I ever tried on I knew it was the one.. Golly I had so much fun trying on so many different dresses today. I felt like a princess and a little girl again! It was a great awesome day. My mother took photos of every single dress that I tried on and none sparkled like the one I bought. Amazing. I wanna send my husband a picture of the dress! But I just can't!! He is going to love the dress I know his jaw is going to drop to the floor when he sees me in it. Shocked. I cannot believe I found my dress! I've been shaking all day with joy because I found it! I am so anxious to tell my husband about it! He's going to finally be happy that I found one! I wish my husband would call me! We are going on two weeks from not hearing each others voice! And it kills me, but he will be shocked to know that I got another thing down for our wedding!
Well onto another subject...
I am leaving back to CA tomm. I have school, but I think I may head back later this week to Zona so I can go camping with my family. I really wanna go but I DO NOT want to miss Ds call! I know he will freak out like nobodies business when my phone goes straight to voicemail. So I'm not sure, I just wish, hope and pray that my husband calls me before Thurs so I can ask him...
I also want him to buy himself a laptop this month. My husband deserves a new laptop and I want one too! Haha. Hopefully he can call me so I can tell him we've got extra money to do that. I want a laptop too. So maybe we can both get a laptop. I really need one for school. So we will see what my husband says.
I miss my husband soooo much! I really need to hear my voice! His voice keeps me going! Gahhh!
Its about 1125 pm here on Monday night and I need to catch some shut eye so I can be well rested for my drive home.
I hope and pray for my husband. I miss you. Babe-o. More than you will ever ever know. It feels so weird not talking to you regularly. But I know that you think about me 24/7 I love you sweetheart!!!
Love you husband,
The wife
Miss you babe-o
Oh yeah we are officially at 100 days today!!!!!!!
Funny thing is, is when Vanessa got married we went to the same place I bought the dress that she did... Well when Vanessa bought her dress I told my mother.. "Mom that is going to be my wedding dress!" That was 2 and a half years ago!! So well I went to that bridal store and we found that same exact dress from two years ago! I knew it was the dress. Instantly. The first dress that I ever tried on I knew it was the one.. Golly I had so much fun trying on so many different dresses today. I felt like a princess and a little girl again! It was a great awesome day. My mother took photos of every single dress that I tried on and none sparkled like the one I bought. Amazing. I wanna send my husband a picture of the dress! But I just can't!! He is going to love the dress I know his jaw is going to drop to the floor when he sees me in it. Shocked. I cannot believe I found my dress! I've been shaking all day with joy because I found it! I am so anxious to tell my husband about it! He's going to finally be happy that I found one! I wish my husband would call me! We are going on two weeks from not hearing each others voice! And it kills me, but he will be shocked to know that I got another thing down for our wedding!
Well onto another subject...
I am leaving back to CA tomm. I have school, but I think I may head back later this week to Zona so I can go camping with my family. I really wanna go but I DO NOT want to miss Ds call! I know he will freak out like nobodies business when my phone goes straight to voicemail. So I'm not sure, I just wish, hope and pray that my husband calls me before Thurs so I can ask him...
I also want him to buy himself a laptop this month. My husband deserves a new laptop and I want one too! Haha. Hopefully he can call me so I can tell him we've got extra money to do that. I want a laptop too. So maybe we can both get a laptop. I really need one for school. So we will see what my husband says.
I miss my husband soooo much! I really need to hear my voice! His voice keeps me going! Gahhh!
Its about 1125 pm here on Monday night and I need to catch some shut eye so I can be well rested for my drive home.
I hope and pray for my husband. I miss you. Babe-o. More than you will ever ever know. It feels so weird not talking to you regularly. But I know that you think about me 24/7 I love you sweetheart!!!
Love you husband,
The wife
Miss you babe-o
Oh yeah we are officially at 100 days today!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Touched today
I never really realized and thought about how great God moves. I went with my parents church to visit another church.. the church is more of like an African church. Alot of like people from Africa attend that church.. but my heart was touched today. These little kids in their cute little outfits praising God in their own language. My heard was really moved with compassion today. I couldnt help but cry. all those little kids who performed songs in their language are orphans.. most of the kids parents died because of AIDS. I had so many mixed feelings today.. all great feelings. My heart was just touched. Seeing little kids, babies praising God just amazes me. God can move in ANY life, age, culture, or heritage. God is so good. I am so blessed by what God does in his young people. My heart really goes out to young people. I love to see the Lord move in such miraculous ways. I wish there was a way for me to help and reach out to touch lives.... i know eventually the door will open where I will be able to minister, but not anytime soon. I am still learning about God.. I am just trying to soak it all up now.. so much stuff in the Bible to learn its crazy....
well its 1141 pm on Sunday night and I'm up chatting with Alejandra.. Joses woman. She is such a sweetheart.. she is so adorable. :-) Shes made my night fly by fast. Its officially been 1 week since I've spoken to Derek. and it just sucks. My week has been so horribly that I just want to frickin sleep. I just wish the next 100 days or so would fly by or I just end up in a coma and wake up a week before D gets back. haha
well I am gonna crash out now.
I miss you husband
I love you babe-o
The wife.
well its 1141 pm on Sunday night and I'm up chatting with Alejandra.. Joses woman. She is such a sweetheart.. she is so adorable. :-) Shes made my night fly by fast. Its officially been 1 week since I've spoken to Derek. and it just sucks. My week has been so horribly that I just want to frickin sleep. I just wish the next 100 days or so would fly by or I just end up in a coma and wake up a week before D gets back. haha
well I am gonna crash out now.
I miss you husband
I love you babe-o
The wife.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
kinda sad today.
Well, that's it... My parents last daughter to ever see any high school dance. Its been a hard Saturday... My baby sister had her last official Prom. :-( she looked like a grown woman today. Shocked cause she is stunningly gorgeous. Breathtaking actually. Just beautiful. She had such a fun time getting ready today that we took about 5 hours on her hair! Girlfriend has cowlicks everywhere in her hair. Its all thick and nappy but all in all her hair looked awesome. Actually, believe it or not I did her hair AND her makeup today! For some reason my moms couldn't figure out how she wanted it and I knew how she did so I just went with it.. And her hair came out great. She wanted a huge poof on top and it on the side with large kinky curls and that's exactly what we did. We put a flower that matched her dress in her hair and it looked cool. For her makeup, well since her dress was purple with hints of grey I decided to do about 4 different colors on her eyes. Last night we went to Ulta and I got some new shades of eyeshadow for her and we didn't even use em. Well anyways. I decided to give her a more softer look and a smokey color on the edges. I decided to blend in and make some of my own colors rather than doing just a regular purple. At some angles I was able to get it to looks green, brown purple and pink. Her makeup rocked big time today! But her boyfriend Faustino looked pretty good, when he told me he has a pin stripe suit I was like nah! He messed it up! Haha but when he walked through the door they matched perfect! I loved the way the both looked together and they are so cute! They are good for each other. He had a mowhack which was rather interesting cause I think he's the only guy that could pull it off and look decent. Haha.. Alright alright I am rambling on and on about the two of them, but I am happy to see my sister happy! She looked smokin...
In other news.... Not too much to report today. Angelica and I introduced my father to what the "shocker" is... Oh you know you know!!! Hahaha he was soooo embarassed when we told him what it meant! Haha he called us retards, we were like "dad your the one who is always making that sign" hahahaha. It was pretty funny looking at his face. His jaw pretty much dropped to the floor! Hahaha it was pretty funny. He didn't even know what. "Wtf" meant. That was pretty funny too. Seeing his reaction. My dad is a character. He cracks me up. I love my daddy. Haha
I gave BOTH my parents a hard time today because, next week they are apparently going camping with the church. And I told them that I come down here pretty much every other weekend to see them and they can't even go to CA and visit me! I made them feel bad... Really. It sucks because I am always doing crap for my parents and they can't even take a frickin weekend trip to go see me. I hate that crap. Well, so apparently they say they are coming down to visit next month, but we'll see how that goes... I know how that it.. Ugh... Oh well, haha like how I was talking all good about my dad and then I said that? Haha I still love them. Especially my mother. Moms has been so sick with bronchitis this pas week that I've been taking so care of here that I even been getting up in the middle of the night to give her her medication she got. But she's improved good. She went out tonight with dad ... Which I'm happy about
So right now its about 1020 on saturday night... And I'm watching STAR WARS a new hope. Golly I love love love star wars!!! George Lucas has made some remarkable films. If only I could meet him, I'd shake his hand and thank him for making awesome movies of all time.. I was talking to Gina last night and she was telling me how Robibie her husband is obsessed with Star Wars! I told her he just got 10 times cooler in my book. Ha...
Well my parents just got home! And I am trying to finish this movie. I miss my husband so much!
Love you babe-o
Xoxox the wife
Miss you husband.
In other news.... Not too much to report today. Angelica and I introduced my father to what the "shocker" is... Oh you know you know!!! Hahaha he was soooo embarassed when we told him what it meant! Haha he called us retards, we were like "dad your the one who is always making that sign" hahahaha. It was pretty funny looking at his face. His jaw pretty much dropped to the floor! Hahaha it was pretty funny. He didn't even know what. "Wtf" meant. That was pretty funny too. Seeing his reaction. My dad is a character. He cracks me up. I love my daddy. Haha
I gave BOTH my parents a hard time today because, next week they are apparently going camping with the church. And I told them that I come down here pretty much every other weekend to see them and they can't even go to CA and visit me! I made them feel bad... Really. It sucks because I am always doing crap for my parents and they can't even take a frickin weekend trip to go see me. I hate that crap. Well, so apparently they say they are coming down to visit next month, but we'll see how that goes... I know how that it.. Ugh... Oh well, haha like how I was talking all good about my dad and then I said that? Haha I still love them. Especially my mother. Moms has been so sick with bronchitis this pas week that I've been taking so care of here that I even been getting up in the middle of the night to give her her medication she got. But she's improved good. She went out tonight with dad ... Which I'm happy about
So right now its about 1020 on saturday night... And I'm watching STAR WARS a new hope. Golly I love love love star wars!!! George Lucas has made some remarkable films. If only I could meet him, I'd shake his hand and thank him for making awesome movies of all time.. I was talking to Gina last night and she was telling me how Robibie her husband is obsessed with Star Wars! I told her he just got 10 times cooler in my book. Ha...
Well my parents just got home! And I am trying to finish this movie. I miss my husband so much!
Love you babe-o
Xoxox the wife
Miss you husband.
Friday, April 17, 2009
What a day
Today was pretty much a blur. Boring as usual, actually I did hang out with my sister, got a hair cut and did some practice runs on the sisters for makeup for Angelicas prom. Woke up, did homework, took care of moms some more and pretty much called it a day today. I felt good after getting my hair cut that I went home. Fixed myself up put on makeup ans stepped out. It was nice. I hadn't worn makeup for a while, thought for a moment that I was loosing my touch, pfft yeah right, ill always have my makeup hands. :-)
Right now its about 1039 pm on Friday night and I'm hanging out with my baby sister watching 10 things I hate about you. Good cool movie. I am so bored lately. Not talking to my husband just plain sucks. And he knows that too. I always wonder how much my husband thinks about me throughout the day, what he thinks about and how many times he talks about me or how many time he looks at our pictures.
I don't have much to say tonight, I feel like I'm repeating myself constantly in these posts. My life is so amazingly boring.
I love you husband more than you will ever know
Love you babe-o
The wife
Right now its about 1039 pm on Friday night and I'm hanging out with my baby sister watching 10 things I hate about you. Good cool movie. I am so bored lately. Not talking to my husband just plain sucks. And he knows that too. I always wonder how much my husband thinks about me throughout the day, what he thinks about and how many times he talks about me or how many time he looks at our pictures.
I don't have much to say tonight, I feel like I'm repeating myself constantly in these posts. My life is so amazingly boring.
I love you husband more than you will ever know
Love you babe-o
The wife
Thursday, April 16, 2009
When life throws you lemons, you paint that crap!
Missing my husband more and more gets harder and harder each day I dont hear his voice or his laugh. I've really been missing him this past week. I am currently in Zona visiting with the family and my mother and my father have been terribly sick.. and this whole time I am trying to run the Gonzalez house now plus the Anguis house.. only thing is.. I am here in Zona and I'm not taking care of things back home and I feel like I am going to loose my frickin mind. I took my mother today to the drs, she left work early so we decided it'd be best to get a drs not and such.. well according to her, her "simple" cough turned out to be bronichitis! my mother DOES NOT take care of herself when she gets that little tickle in her throat or that simple cough.. I am trying to pound it in her head that she needs to go to the drs and take vitamins and meds.. and my dad, thats a whole different story. My dad, well they cant figure out what the heck is wrong with him. But my father is a STRONG strong man. I know that he will get better. its just a matter of time and effort on his part. I have been so stressed out with trying to balance work and family out that ive become a bit overwhelmed with it all. I know I dont work and all but I am still very under much pressure.
It's been so hard not talking to my husband. I dont even know where the heck he is or if he is ok. he has money and phone cards I just dont know why he hasnt called me or emailed me. BUT I know that he is training and he is on deployment and him calling is hit or miss.. so I understand. So all I can do is ALWAYS have my phone charged, sleep with it. and always keep it on me. Ready to answer that sucker.. lol
I just finished up some homework, Its 11:09 here on Thurs night. Just had bible study tonight so it was awesome seeing the church family again. I felt at home.. and its the best feeling in the world when I see my AZ church family. Today they had a guest speaker from Russia. and his brother. and all I can say about that is we people in the US are VERY blessed people. We've got it made. we are able to have Bibles wherever we want them without having to worry about being killed for our beliefs in Christ. if yoy actually think about it.. people in those communist countries die every day for beilieving in Jesus. And I am thankful that I am in a free country for me being able to believe what I can. :-)
well sweetheart, I miss you babe-o sooooo much
I think about you every moment of every day.. and I dream about you and when I am able to see your handsome smile in front of me again.
I love you husband,
The wife.
Good night,
Have a good weekend babe-o!
It's been so hard not talking to my husband. I dont even know where the heck he is or if he is ok. he has money and phone cards I just dont know why he hasnt called me or emailed me. BUT I know that he is training and he is on deployment and him calling is hit or miss.. so I understand. So all I can do is ALWAYS have my phone charged, sleep with it. and always keep it on me. Ready to answer that sucker.. lol
I just finished up some homework, Its 11:09 here on Thurs night. Just had bible study tonight so it was awesome seeing the church family again. I felt at home.. and its the best feeling in the world when I see my AZ church family. Today they had a guest speaker from Russia. and his brother. and all I can say about that is we people in the US are VERY blessed people. We've got it made. we are able to have Bibles wherever we want them without having to worry about being killed for our beliefs in Christ. if yoy actually think about it.. people in those communist countries die every day for beilieving in Jesus. And I am thankful that I am in a free country for me being able to believe what I can. :-)
well sweetheart, I miss you babe-o sooooo much
I think about you every moment of every day.. and I dream about you and when I am able to see your handsome smile in front of me again.
I love you husband,
The wife.
Good night,
Have a good weekend babe-o!
Been Thinking
I've come to realize that my husband has been right all along. And as much as I'd like to say he wasn't right, with this I can't help it. I've finally accepted that my husband is not going to re-enlist in the Navy. I've overlooked a couple of the most important things in a marriage, and one of those is growing together and that we shouldn't be apart. Since he is on the green side, if we were going to re-enlist, I know we'd have to face at least 2 or 3 more deployments. The military has been our life saver, financially. They pay for so many things that I kinda get scared in what we will do once he decides to get out. Derek has been talking a lot about moving back to Zona and actually had been looking at houses online. He really wants to buy a brand new house, everything we design and choose. And I don't blame him. He's always been on the go that he really hasn't had a place to actually call home. And all I want to do is make him happy and be apart of his life. Well, most of you know that I DO NOT want to move back to Zona. For school, but I've decided that I am going to UofA for school, they have a campus in Phx that I can attend and to really think about it we should be set. Derek will find a job at the hospital, and me.. Let's see if I get a job in the future. Lol...
Well, babe-o... I've missed you so much these past few weeks than I have in forever. I love you so much!
Your wife,
Love you husband.
Well, babe-o... I've missed you so much these past few weeks than I have in forever. I love you so much!
Your wife,
Love you husband.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Still sick
I've been feeling sick the past few days, I've got a tickle in my throat and my tummy has been killing me like no ones business. My head has been pounding because I'm going through my "caffiene attacks" again. But I'm trying to stop drinking coffee so in the mean time I'm going through withdrawls.
I'm in Arizona. Been here for 2 days. I love being home and being with the family, only thing is I wish my husband were here to expeirence my family more. Actually, I just wish he was home. Period.
I really don't have much to say lately. My life has been so blank. Alls I know is when I don't talk to my husband my life just sucks. Its been difficult that I haven't been able to talk with him as much these past couple of weeks.....
I miss my babe-o so much
Love you husband,
The wife.
I'm in Arizona. Been here for 2 days. I love being home and being with the family, only thing is I wish my husband were here to expeirence my family more. Actually, I just wish he was home. Period.
I really don't have much to say lately. My life has been so blank. Alls I know is when I don't talk to my husband my life just sucks. Its been difficult that I haven't been able to talk with him as much these past couple of weeks.....
I miss my babe-o so much
Love you husband,
The wife.
Monday, April 13, 2009
I'm home!
It took a full 7 days for me to hear from my husband! Omg it was long overdue, I missed his voice so much, that I got a little teary when I heard him say. "Hi baby". That melted my heart. My husband is my pride and joy, the light of my life. He made that whole week without hearing from him, simply better. I was having so many mixed feelings. I was mad one day, and anxious for him to call so I could tell him off. Then the next day I was sad where I just wanted to hear his voice, my emotions have been out of control lately! God I miss my husband! But just hearing his voice today made all the problems that I have, melt away. I have an amazing husband. I can't wait to have him home and me back in his arms. ;-)
I've pretty much have had the best day ever. I was able to talk to my husband for a long time and I'm hear with my family.
I love you babe-o
The wife
I've pretty much have had the best day ever. I was able to talk to my husband for a long time and I'm hear with my family.
I love you babe-o
The wife
Friday, April 10, 2009
Being a woman
Alright, so my last post I was talking about ovulating. Ovulating is so under rated its ridiculous. If a man could expeirience ovulation, I'd enjoy that. Even just once. Haha.
Alright, down to business. I had an okay day. Woke up, did the usual. Homework. I had a paper due yesterday at midnight and I totally forgot it was due so today I turned it in late. First time ever that its happened and I got two points deducted. That sucks. Oh well. After homework I had to meet with my team mates from school for a group project that we have to do. That was cool. Well worth the time because we got plenty done. After that I headed to blockbuster and picked up some movies. I've watched every movie that we own. That I started watching some of them. Two and three times. I was due new movies. Haha
When I got home I was hungry so I made some food. :-) and now I'm watching a movie. Hahaha. God my life is boring. I have been waiting 4 days to talk to my husband and I have not received a call! I think the Lord is trying to teach me something! Patience! For sure!
I miss my babe-o soooo much
BUT I love you more!!
The wife, bern
Alright, down to business. I had an okay day. Woke up, did the usual. Homework. I had a paper due yesterday at midnight and I totally forgot it was due so today I turned it in late. First time ever that its happened and I got two points deducted. That sucks. Oh well. After homework I had to meet with my team mates from school for a group project that we have to do. That was cool. Well worth the time because we got plenty done. After that I headed to blockbuster and picked up some movies. I've watched every movie that we own. That I started watching some of them. Two and three times. I was due new movies. Haha
When I got home I was hungry so I made some food. :-) and now I'm watching a movie. Hahaha. God my life is boring. I have been waiting 4 days to talk to my husband and I have not received a call! I think the Lord is trying to teach me something! Patience! For sure!
I miss my babe-o soooo much
BUT I love you more!!
The wife, bern
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ovulating sucks
Oh the start of yet another joyous month. Ovulation. Just kidding, could you see my sarcasm in that? I forgot what cramps were like! Never have I had cramps like this ever. I am in some serious pain. I've had hot flashes today and out of no where I am freezing! Then I fell asleep and I woke up sweating like nobodies business. I am in pain. And ib profen is NOT helping! I hate midol and heat pads are out of the question. I wish my husband was home to take some serious care of me.
In other news. I had class tonight, a new class for the next 5 weeks. Class was for 4 hours and it seemed like 4 years. 6-10 and all we did was talk about the same stuff! I figured it out, I am paying 1500 per class and all we talk about is the same subject?!?! Wtf why is it that much? I can't figure it out but it gets me!
Well update on my babe-o. He is doing...... Well I don't know I haven't talked to him in 4 days. And I hate it! I missed his time on the internet and I pretty much beach myself up over it. I have just been praying and praying he would call and he hasn't. I am trying to figure out why, but I can't.
Well, Sunday is Easter and I am pretty excited about it. Christmas and Easter are pretty close. They both have to deal with Christ. And I just wish he was home to celebrate this holiday with me. Remember when we were young and we use to boil easter eggs and color them and do an egg hunt? God I miss those days, those were the days.
I miss you my handsome husband
The wife, love you babe-o
In other news. I had class tonight, a new class for the next 5 weeks. Class was for 4 hours and it seemed like 4 years. 6-10 and all we did was talk about the same stuff! I figured it out, I am paying 1500 per class and all we talk about is the same subject?!?! Wtf why is it that much? I can't figure it out but it gets me!
Well update on my babe-o. He is doing...... Well I don't know I haven't talked to him in 4 days. And I hate it! I missed his time on the internet and I pretty much beach myself up over it. I have just been praying and praying he would call and he hasn't. I am trying to figure out why, but I can't.
Well, Sunday is Easter and I am pretty excited about it. Christmas and Easter are pretty close. They both have to deal with Christ. And I just wish he was home to celebrate this holiday with me. Remember when we were young and we use to boil easter eggs and color them and do an egg hunt? God I miss those days, those were the days.
I miss you my handsome husband
The wife, love you babe-o
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
I need him.
Today is the first day "not" talking to my husband. Eghh. Just when it started getting better. :-( I mean I look forward to talking with him through a webcam now! I do look forward to that...
On a more positive note. I again, took care of business today. I paid all our bills for the month and managed to pay 2 credit cards off! So now we have 1 and our cars, and that's it. So things are looking up on that aspect. Its been a little harder having only one income now, but I mean. Its working. Dereks making bank right now so its good.
I went to church tonight a prayer meeting. It was good, I love praying. Especially for my family, and derek my husband. I know when you make your requests know to the Lord he hears you. And he answers your gotta be faithful with the small things and God will continue to increase the land beneath your feet. I know that for a fact. :-) God is good.
Well, I don't have too much to day tonight babe-o. I want you to know that I miss you terribly.
I love you babe-o,
The wife. Xoxox
On a more positive note. I again, took care of business today. I paid all our bills for the month and managed to pay 2 credit cards off! So now we have 1 and our cars, and that's it. So things are looking up on that aspect. Its been a little harder having only one income now, but I mean. Its working. Dereks making bank right now so its good.
I went to church tonight a prayer meeting. It was good, I love praying. Especially for my family, and derek my husband. I know when you make your requests know to the Lord he hears you. And he answers your gotta be faithful with the small things and God will continue to increase the land beneath your feet. I know that for a fact. :-) God is good.
Well, I don't have too much to day tonight babe-o. I want you to know that I miss you terribly.
I love you babe-o,
The wife. Xoxox
Monday, April 6, 2009
a start of a new exercise
So... He's off to The Phillipines!! :-( these past couple weeks have been great! Him and I really were just adjusting well, talking and such. Now he's off. Again. Now I have to get used to the fact all over again that I won't be hearing from him 2 or 3 times a day... Now, if I'm lucky, once or twice a week. And leave me alone! I have every right to complain. All of us woman do, but we lucked out that they didn't have to go to Afghanistan after all. But I mean, its still hard and the distance is horrible. But I just already wish he was home! Its early at 90 days and 123 days that he can be back in my arms again... So that, that puts a smile on my face. So we'll see how it goes in the Phillipines. I mean, I am excited for him. Just not being able to hear from him gets the best of me sometimes. :-( I love my husband so much, more than he will ever ever know. And I am praying that he continues to be safe and protected. And I pray that this time will in fact fly by. Thailand was long, Korea even felt like it was longer.. :-( but this exercise starts on the 16th and ends 2 weeks later, giving them at least a couple days of limbo or liberty. Whatever its called. :-).
Babe-o, I miss you and I love you terribly. :-)
Xoxox bern
Babe-o, I miss you and I love you terribly. :-)
Xoxox bern
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I must say that today has been a tremendous day. I had a good day. I woke up, which at the beginning I didnt want to, I was so tired talking to my husband all night that I didnt want to... then I mentally told myself I BETTER get up and head to church. and I did. church was awesome as usual, the great thing about my church is that everyone is so supportive.. I mean they are always praying for Derek, and they have yet to meet him.. Everytime when I walk in to the church they always ask me... "Hows the hubby?" it makes me feel special and touches my heart that people are concerned and are showing that support that I have really been needing. so church was great.. after church I headed to the grocery store.. I absolutely love grocery shopping. its fun and it actually relaxes me.. and I make sure I walk through every single isle. I know I dont drink or anything to that nature but its cool looking at all the new bottles they have out and I like looking at the prices of alcohol. I think people are just plain ignorrant to be spending like $32 bucks on certain drinks.. I see it as a waste of money, and the feeling is temporary for sure. Well as I was doing some grocery shopping, I kinda got a little overwhelmed. I was walking and I cant help but think how it is when Derek and I go grocery shop. Its so cute how my husband shops, I mean sometimes it gets on my nerves, cause I think he does it on purpose most times... but we'll be in the store and he'll like grap a spatula and he'll say we will need it for one thing or another.. Im like Derek, no we dont need that right now.. we have that already... haha but just the way he is, like a little kid sometimes... throwing random things in the cart like I'm not noticing it... trust me. I know.. I make sure I calculate things in my head.. but its cute... God I miss that. I cant wait til he is home so we can do that...
well after I was done grocery shopping I was all pumped, I was going to take the cars to get washed, fill them up on gas and such... yeah that didnt happen, Almost instantly when I got home I was tired! from talking to D. So I didnt even put the groceries away, I fell asleep so fast.. hhaha so after I was in my deep ol sleep my dad calls. not once, but twice... first time I didnt answer was because I was sleeping... so I ignored it and I was going to call him when I woke up, that didnt happen. he called again. So I answered, and he knew I was sleeping so he said to call when I woke up.. well after I woke up I couldnt go back to sleep! so I was up, but by this time I was hungry... so I decided to make myseld some homemade salsa.. it was yummy.
So after that I decided to check my grade for my last class I completed. well I got a 89%!!!!!!!!
tell me how come my instructor couldnt bump that up to an A!?!?! I got a B! which is sucky! now my gpa is gonna be affected. I have honors and I def cannot afford to get sucky B's. so I was bummed just a little bit. but oh well I guess.
So then Derek called me. thats when I was happy again. I talked to him briefly, but it was still great. after that I figure I'll catch up on my calls, so I called D's dad, my dad and my sisters.. so I am good until tomm.. lol..
So now I am hungry again and now I'm gonna go make a BLT, I bought alot of bacon today... lol
Well, I have to prepare for another busy day. Cant wait to talk to my babe-o again tonight
I love you babeo
The wife
well after I was done grocery shopping I was all pumped, I was going to take the cars to get washed, fill them up on gas and such... yeah that didnt happen, Almost instantly when I got home I was tired! from talking to D. So I didnt even put the groceries away, I fell asleep so fast.. hhaha so after I was in my deep ol sleep my dad calls. not once, but twice... first time I didnt answer was because I was sleeping... so I ignored it and I was going to call him when I woke up, that didnt happen. he called again. So I answered, and he knew I was sleeping so he said to call when I woke up.. well after I woke up I couldnt go back to sleep! so I was up, but by this time I was hungry... so I decided to make myseld some homemade salsa.. it was yummy.
So after that I decided to check my grade for my last class I completed. well I got a 89%!!!!!!!!
tell me how come my instructor couldnt bump that up to an A!?!?! I got a B! which is sucky! now my gpa is gonna be affected. I have honors and I def cannot afford to get sucky B's. so I was bummed just a little bit. but oh well I guess.
So then Derek called me. thats when I was happy again. I talked to him briefly, but it was still great. after that I figure I'll catch up on my calls, so I called D's dad, my dad and my sisters.. so I am good until tomm.. lol..
So now I am hungry again and now I'm gonna go make a BLT, I bought alot of bacon today... lol
Well, I have to prepare for another busy day. Cant wait to talk to my babe-o again tonight
I love you babeo
The wife
Friday, April 3, 2009
Whats new?
So I'm sitting here in the naval hospital right now, actually in the pharmacy area and this place is loaded with people. All ranging in age. And I'm sitting here looking at all these different faces and these guys in uniform and I can't help but ask myself what they are being seen for and what medication they are taking. I know weird right? I'm sitting here about to pick up some inhalers! And I am dying to know also, how many people are addicted to their medication. Its a big question to ask yourself. I mean sure, the old people in this place need medication for like their health, something to keep them truckin right. But I mean like all these young people in this place, I wanna know how many abuse medication. I'm weird, I know. Gimme a break here u have a lot of time on my hands to think of weird things like this.
Well, I hate hospitals, the fact that I'm sitting here listening to these crying out of control kids, just gets under my skin. It urkes me! I just wanna tell the parent, yo control your child. I know I know some of these kids are babies, and they cry for no apparent reason at all, but the toddlers? Wtf, why do they cry? Oh cause mommy didn't let them run off or they didn't get what they want, so of course they are throwing a hissey fit like nobodies business.
I guess I woke up in a bad mood today, actually a horrible mood and because I woke up this was I am bothered with pretty much everything today. My husband and I were arguing and he doesn't help it! He laughs when I'm upset and that just burns me. He doennt understand how mad that really makes me sometimes. My husband mind is like a child sometimes and I don't get it. Yesterday we argued because of the way he dresses! I hate the way he dresses. I mean I look at it this way... You reflect your spouse. I reflect my husband and my husband reflects me. And me, when I go out with my husband I make every attempt to look my best, I take pride in how I look, especially when it involves my husband. But, my husband however, sometimes ddoesnt care and to an extent it bothers me. I mean, I guess when we talked I kinda took things a little overboard but still, he should try to look nice for me right? Or am I mistaken? If I'm mistaken what the hell has the world come to if people don't care about the way they present themselves?? I don't get it, but when I look at it. I make every attempt possible to look nice, and when I really make the effort, my husband doesn't even notice.. His head and eyes are so locked to other things-like playing his psp or doing something dumb, where he doesn't even notice. And I make every attempt possible for him to notice, think he does? Yeah right you gotta be kidding me.
Well, I hate hospitals, the fact that I'm sitting here listening to these crying out of control kids, just gets under my skin. It urkes me! I just wanna tell the parent, yo control your child. I know I know some of these kids are babies, and they cry for no apparent reason at all, but the toddlers? Wtf, why do they cry? Oh cause mommy didn't let them run off or they didn't get what they want, so of course they are throwing a hissey fit like nobodies business.
I guess I woke up in a bad mood today, actually a horrible mood and because I woke up this was I am bothered with pretty much everything today. My husband and I were arguing and he doesn't help it! He laughs when I'm upset and that just burns me. He doennt understand how mad that really makes me sometimes. My husband mind is like a child sometimes and I don't get it. Yesterday we argued because of the way he dresses! I hate the way he dresses. I mean I look at it this way... You reflect your spouse. I reflect my husband and my husband reflects me. And me, when I go out with my husband I make every attempt to look my best, I take pride in how I look, especially when it involves my husband. But, my husband however, sometimes ddoesnt care and to an extent it bothers me. I mean, I guess when we talked I kinda took things a little overboard but still, he should try to look nice for me right? Or am I mistaken? If I'm mistaken what the hell has the world come to if people don't care about the way they present themselves?? I don't get it, but when I look at it. I make every attempt possible to look nice, and when I really make the effort, my husband doesn't even notice.. His head and eyes are so locked to other things-like playing his psp or doing something dumb, where he doesn't even notice. And I make every attempt possible for him to notice, think he does? Yeah right you gotta be kidding me.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Babe-o

So today, today was a pretty interesting day. I havent yet talked to my husband, but when I do I have pretty much a fabulous day.. well as of yet I havent talked to him. but I have had an awesome day. I mean I didnt really do anything except stay at home and mess around, but it was a good day. I woke up early and I went running and pumped some iron today. after that, I took a shower, sat down and did some homework. I had class tonight, and I had to do a presentation that had to be long.. at least 10 mins.. I had 12 slides, including references. so I figured if I do at least one min per slide, I should be ok right? well the team that I presented with went over. like 10 mins. haha. But we did it and accomplished it, it was great in my opionion.
My husband posted some pretty rad photos on him and all the places he has been so far. and I must say, my husband isnt the best when dealing with a camera but the pictures that he was able to take were amazing. My favorite ones were from when he was in Thailand. I dont know, but if you ask me he does look a tad different but still amazing as usual. I smiled and got a little teary eyed when I saw them, but I am happy that he is able to visit and see places that normally people pay thousands for.. lol..
Right now its about 1013 in the PM. about to lay down. I have a busy day tomm. I have a drs appt and have to go on a shopping hunt for my husband. He wants a particular game that he cant seem to find in Oki, so I'm gonna rise to the challenge and make the attempt to find this darn game. haha. and take care of some other stuff. looks like tomm I'll be heading to the beach with a new girlfriend that I met!. I am so excited to finally being able to meet some people in the area from where we dwell, and to make it more cool shes a military GF! ;-) they are the best. so I cant wait.
In other news. nothing much going on, looks like I will be visiting AZ in a couple weeks again. My baby sister is having her SR prom and I took the responsibility to do like 11 girls' makeup! not up to the level of professionalism but I know what I am doing. I must say I am pretty handy with makeup.. I have to give myself props. I wish I could do makeup school. I think that it would be so awesome to do. learn all new techniques and things like that. I mean, when I step foot into Sephora, I just look at pictures and I get these ideas in my head when it comes to different shades of eyeshadow and it makes me go crazy cause I think it would be possible for me to start making my own eye shadow. I can do it. I know I could.
Well I am about to sign off for the night, I miss my husband so much its ridiculous!. I love you babe-0
The wife
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Good day
Ive talked to my husband today for the majority of the day and that in itself has made my day. I missed talking to him while he was in Korea, he was doing a whole bunch of training excercises. I am so very grateful and extremely blessed for the husband that I have. I know I dont tell him enough how much I appriciate all the things that he does for me, but I do. I am a blessed woman and I dont know what my life would be without my husband in it. I know he isnt here right now to hear me complain about my day, and I dont have anyone to go and cry to right now, but when he gets back all will change. I know it. I miss him so much. you know so many woman take their husbands for granted, that I've made a commitment to myself that I will do whatever it takes to keep my husband happy (gosh, should I be admitting that) ?? :-)
well, its getting late and I need to hit those sheets, i didnt accomplish any of the homework that I was supposed to today. bummer. tomm is homework overload.
Good night
i love you babe0
well, its getting late and I need to hit those sheets, i didnt accomplish any of the homework that I was supposed to today. bummer. tomm is homework overload.
Good night
i love you babe0
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