By far this has been one of the most roller coaster years we've experienced. And I must say not only I, but my husband has learned so much. Not only about each other, but about ourselves. So I am going back to Jan 2010:
In January things were looking so great for us. We were financially stable, I had a job for two months already and In Nov of 2009 we had our traditional family wedding. We were living in Aliso Viejo, California. Derek was still in the military and we officially begun our countdown to civilian life. Derek was getting in this Dec, 2010. So well I was working Derek went off to do Bridgeport Training in Hawthorne, the winter package so it was extremely cold where he was going. Little did we know what was going to happen soon after he got home.
At the end of Feburary, Derek returned from in 5 week long mountain warfare training. and boy was I excited to have him home. Everything was perfect!. Well when he got home from MWT Derek was advised that he would be going on, yet another, Deployment.. This time it was to Afghanistan. My heart dropped. I can remember exactly how it all happened, in detail. I came home from work on a Friday, it was the day that we were supposed to go and file our yearly taxes. We did too!. anyways, I came inside and he looked like something was bothering him. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he needed to tell me something.. I knew it wasnt good, whatever it was because he told me to sit down. So I sat down and he told me that he just got off the phone with his chief. He was advised that he would be leaving to Afghanistan in two weeks!! Talk about a train wreck. Ok, so as I sat there in shock the tears started rolling. I learned that two weeks was going to come like overnight to me, but luckily we had 13 days to prepare with what we were going to do. As soon as he told me, I called my mom, my sister Vanessa, Brittany, and then Angela. It was such a shock for everyone I told. Well so it began. we began making arrangements with what we were going to do. I told my job that I was going to be leaving and I put my two weeks notice in. After that we told the apartment complex that we were living in as well. They needed proof of documentation of Dereks deployment so we had to get a letter from his commader showing he was in fact deploying. Everything went so smooth. WE had enough time to get a storage and throw all of our belongings in storage. So by this time, we are now up to the date of Dereks departure. And to be completely honest I wasnt scared. I knew that Derek would be covered, not only because WE serve a mighty God but because the power of a praying WIFE. So as we sat there in the car I just started praying for him, he was leaving me. AGAIN. As we made our way out of the car, he checked in. He got his weapon and from there we sat and we waited for the big ugly white buses to arrive. Peace took over my body, and the boldness of God gave not only me, but Derek the courage to take this chapter in our lives. The time had arrived, The buses arrived and the boys started loading their gear and belongings. As I sat there I began to pray for my husband again.. it was his time to load the bus, and not one tear came. I was shocked, but I knew it was the peace of God. As we said our goodbyes I knew that me being alone would be a little easier than last time. but I knew it was going to hit me eventually. As he drove off all Derek was doing was smiling, and I cant help but remember how in love I was with his smile. and I knew, that on the day of his homecoming he'd be smiling exactly the same. So I began to drive away, and yet again, I wasnt scared. So here we are. March. On the 25th Derek left en route to Afghanistan and on the 26th I was back en route to Phoenix, AZ.
Since I was jobless I began watching my god daugther Mariah Adrielle Sanchez. And all I can say is that through the duration of Dereks Afghanistan deployment this little girl kept me on my toes. I started watching her at 4 months old, and to be quite honest and embarssed she was the first diaper I have EVER changed, gimme a break here! :) So time was slow throughout the first month of the deployment. I was still attending the University of Phoenix so I was keeping myself busy with school and church.
We were officially about halfway through Dereks deployment. Now its June. I was staying busy still, busting my butt to pay bills and to stay on top of things. Things were going good and at this time I was a homecoming mode. Derek was due back in July.
So here we are, July 2010. I have never been more excited in July! ( one of the hottest months in AZ!) Derek was due back actually at the end of June, but because of current conditions in Afghanistan that didnt happen. Anyways I was excited to see my husband. It was been a very easy yet long deployment to me, even though it was only 4 months. He was in a battlefield and all I did was worry about his safety.. Throughout the duration of the deployment I kept in great touch with Dereks family. And I asked them if they would want to be apart of the homecoming. and of course, without a doubt they were honored to be apart of this sepcial day. Along with Dereks family, My sisters and my mother came for the homecoming. Which couldnt have been more perfect.
Day of HOMECOMING: July 4th, 2010. What more perfect day to have marines and sailors return from overseas? Anyways, being that Derek had no clue that I had his family and my family with me I had to be sneaky! So Derek calls me in the wee hours of the morning advising me that he and all the guys were accounted for and have LANDED on American Soil, in Conneticut I think.. So he told me that he would be arriving promtly at around 11 am at Camp Pendleton. And now it was already 8 AM!!! I was running behind! so I jumped in the shower and started getting ready, my man was home from Afghanistan!!! yes! Well by the time everyone got ready we were out of the hotel by 11! I thought we were going to miss homecoming. so we sped all the way to base! Luckily, Dereks buses were running late. but we did arrive on time.. as we sat there playing the waiting game, the buses pull up. it was time. As the boys marched in, I waited anxiously with so much pride and excitement. I was beyond proud of my husband. He served two back to back deployments. As the boys continued walking up.. There he was, he didnt see me but I saw him. I was coming, actually running in 5 inch heels but finally his eyes met mines..and that smile that I was dying to see was right in front of me again. I didnt have to look at a picture anymore. He was right in front of me. I held my banner up. gave him a big hug and a little peck. LOL his family was there. He was so shocked to see them and so happy to have Mariah there. It was love all over again. And since this moment we've been stuck at the hip.
Now, August, Derek was on post deployment leave so he got to spend 2 weeks in AZ with me. and guess what we did... WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! We had been looking his whole deployment, I was sending him links via email.. but it just wasnt the same as it was having him home browse with me! Anyways, we were approved with no problem.. and right now, we are two months from our house being completed.
As for this year, I have personally learned that I know how to rely on God for all my needs. He was my husband when Derek was absent. He was the one who gave me the courage that I needed and the support that I needed too. This year has been by far the hardest, but yet the best ever. I am beyond thankful that my husband is home, for good. He served 5 years in the United States Navy and now he is MINE. :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
OH 2010..
Military Life,
The Husband,
The Lord
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Day 30- Your favorite song.
I have so many songs that I am completely in love with but to top it off, Sanctus Real is my #1 favorite band of all time and the song that I am in love with that is my hands down favorite song of all time is:
AFTER TODAY by: Sanctus Real
The reason why I love this song so much is because it touches my heart, the lyrics say it all, After Today. I have so many dreams and desires that God has given me and I know that I will, one day accomplish and live up to the fullest capacity for the mantel that I have on my life. the Bible says that, "Many are called and few are chosen" now I know I have a plan on my life and I am terrified of everything that God has for me but I am so scared, are you?
here are the lyrics:
AFTER TODAY by: Sanctus Real
The reason why I love this song so much is because it touches my heart, the lyrics say it all, After Today. I have so many dreams and desires that God has given me and I know that I will, one day accomplish and live up to the fullest capacity for the mantel that I have on my life. the Bible says that, "Many are called and few are chosen" now I know I have a plan on my life and I am terrified of everything that God has for me but I am so scared, are you?
here are the lyrics:
After today I'll get me out of this place
Into the world so I can set a new pace
Seems I'm on my own from here
Vision doesn't seem so clear
Won't You lay me in Your hands of grace
I've got a funny feeling that I'm gonna go away
Gonna face my future, gonna try to make the grade
I've got a ways to go from here and vision doesn't seem so clear
But praise God He's got a plan and understanding isn't my place
After today I'm gonna come face to face
With a new world who knows I'm feeling this way
I've got a ways to go from here
I'm gonna overcome these fears
Still I'm gonna need Your hands of grace
I'll be a bigger man... I'll pray a bigger prayer
I'll dream a bigger dream...for today.
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Man, in this past month I have learned that friends come and friends go. I mean I've always known this but someone who calls you a "friend" should always be there for you. and this I learned just about a week ago. Sometimes I feel like I annoy and bother people, I am a very down to earth, real person. I speak my mind (a lil too much sometimes) I can be loud, obnoxious, and goofy....-this is me, if you don't like it, get over yourself. This is my personality and my life.. please do not call someone a friend if you do not like everything about them, they were that way from before they were your friend.
Me aka
Me aka
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Well, I've changed, I will continue to change and sometimes I hate that! :) Since last year and now I have learned patience. Derek was gone last year and this year for two seperate deployments and let me tell you something.. If you are or not a military spouse that HAS NOT faced a deployment count yourself lucky. You can be a military spouse all you want, but being seperated is a completely a different story and with seperation you learn patience, a deeper desire to love and to be loved. I have matured and grown into a better woman, and a better wife.. and I hope next year more positive changes continue to come,
here is me this year
And here is me last year, taken for my hubby on deployment # 1.
here is me this year
And here is me last year, taken for my hubby on deployment # 1.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Well I thought I'd try to commit to something for 30 days, and to admit it I failed. I didnt do every day exactly to the tee. but I did write a blog for every single day. Its been interesting to go back and read what I thought and think about for the last 27 entries. Its actually cool. I enjoying blogging. I don't think I am going to stop. :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Words can't even compare to how great of friends I have. I don't have many but the few I have I wouldnt trade them for nothin. Throughout my husbands military career I, I mean WE :) have made some unbelievable friends. My friends are great. they give support and we show support too.
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Wow, This should be interesting. I have pretty much my entire life in my little huge bag..
- inhaler
- hand sanitzer
- baby wipes
- keys
- debit card
- military ID
- drivers license
- water bottle
- wallet
- eye glasses/ w glass cleaner
- work ID
- socks
- comb
- 2 different bottles of nasal spray
- clips
- benadryl
- chap stick
- 2 mascaras
- ear phones
- 6 pens
- 2 mirrors
- car keys
- nail clippers
- cuiticle cutter
- baby wipes
- knife
- 3 pairs of tweezers
- camera
- ib profen
- brown eyeliner
- USMC stuff
- AUX cord for Ipod
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day 24- A letter to your parents
I really like my life to be private, but who said having a blog that your life would be, But really I don't have to write a letter to my parents. I just keep it real and tell them how I feel if something is bothering me. or if I want to thank them or just to even tell them that I love them.
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Well Well Well, I have very few cravings and what I usually crave the most is hot cheetos with LEMON!
Thats it! :)
- Butterfingers
- Life Savor Gummis
Thats it! :)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Well, I think that everyone has something special about them. However, I do not like talking about myself. lol. But what makes me different from everyone else is that I am sold out for Jesus. I serve such an awesome God who has done so many things in my life that I cannot give anyone else credit except him. He has opened so many doors in my life that I just cannot keep up. I am a very compassionate person, I have a desire to help people. I am a very giving person, I cannot tell people "no" which sometimes could be bad and bad because I am so giving. :)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
There are so many things that make me happy. My heart has so much love for my family!
This is our Molly Coco. I love thisdog.. She is like a little human. :)
This is Mariah. Ah, my beautiful Neice.
This is Derek in Afghanistan. Not sure where his weapon is though.. lol
Me and Princess.
I taught Mariah how to give kisses!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future or about your spouse.
Well, being that I am already married. I cannot picture my life being more perfect. in general I will have to say that my life is perfect, well to me it is. and thats all that matters. My husband is the light of my life.. he has been more perfect to me than any person has ever attempted to be. My husband Derek I will always hold near and dear to my heart. I never pictured myself being married young.. well, to me I am young..LOL. I wanted to wait until about 25-30 but I eventually bit the big one and got married. We ran off and got married and no one found out that we got married until a week before Dereks 1st deployment. And we hurt a lot of people doing it that way... but its okay.. Derek is a wonderful man and he does put up with a lot because I can be quite the handful sometimes. Most people who have given up on me and my personality, but not Derek. He has been through everything with me, thick and thin. And I cannot thank God enough for the Man of God that my husband is. Every day he is becoming a better husband. I always told myself I wanted to marry someone just like my dad, and I sure did. He wears sweats and moccasins just LIKE MY dad.. haha.. So I do beyond a shadow of a doubt love my husband uncoditionally.
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
I have so many different nick names people call me and that I call people. My husband calls me Wife. which I absolutely love.. just the name says it all. I am his wife. It gets me all gitty and I smile, cause I love it. And when we are goofying around he calls me woman.. which I really dont care for all that much but I go with it... Nicknames I call my husband are babe-o.. I love calling him babe-o!. I have never heard anyone call that name to anyone.. so to me babe-o is uinque. I also like husband.. and sweetheart... oh and I love calling him My Love.. kinda cheesy but thats what married people do. :)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Well, I have so many desires that have been placed in my heart since I was a little child.. and as oddly as it sounds I still have every desire and dream that I spoke of when I was a little girl. First and foremost my number one desire is to never stop desiring God. I have been raised in the church since I was about 4 years old. And ever since that first time I was touched by the hand of Jesus I knew I wanted nothing else but for him to live inside my heart.. Secondly, my next desire is to become a doctor. I have been down the medical field path since I was 17 years old. And honestly I do not see myself coming near to giving up. I mean, I have my little doubts here and there but that's just the enemy telling me I cannot succeed. Which is not true, because with God ALL things are possible. and if I have faith the size of a mustard seed I can do beyond great things. :)
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Hmm. I know this is probably weird to say, but the only person(s) I would switch lives with for 1 day would be, hands down a Marine. Many people don't know what these young men and woman go through on a day to day basis and just for one day I would love to be able to wear a uniform proudly and call myself a Marine. I know it sounds cheesy, but my husband always gives me a hard time because he said I will never know what its like doing hikes, uts and boots, field ops. no showers for months at a time or even being away from family.. OR eating MRE's. lol.
Day 16- Another picture of yourself

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Hmm.. Havent touched my Ipod in quite sometime so here is my first 10:
1. The Bee Gees- You should be dancing
2. Bethany Dillon- Aimless
3. Michael Jackson- I just can't stop loving you.
4. Queen- Bohenmian Rhapsody
5. Sanctus Real- We need each other
6. Rick Pino- Doves Eyes
7. Colbie Ciallat- Never let you go
8. Joy Williams- We
9. Leona Lewis- Bleeding Love
10. John Legend- Save Room
Those are my 10 random songs. I really enjoy music. and I love ALL kinds of music. Anything from gospel music to hard classic rock.
1. The Bee Gees- You should be dancing
2. Bethany Dillon- Aimless
3. Michael Jackson- I just can't stop loving you.
4. Queen- Bohenmian Rhapsody
5. Sanctus Real- We need each other
6. Rick Pino- Doves Eyes
7. Colbie Ciallat- Never let you go
8. Joy Williams- We
9. Leona Lewis- Bleeding Love
10. John Legend- Save Room
Those are my 10 random songs. I really enjoy music. and I love ALL kinds of music. Anything from gospel music to hard classic rock.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
To be honest, I don't let people hurt me. And by me saying I dont let I mean I do not tolerate anyone disrepecting me or anyone around me. I can't even remember the last time anyone hurt me. Which, I dont think it is bad at all. :)
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Well, originally I had a livejournal account. I had that account since 2000, since my freshman year of high school. well just like myspace was sooo cool in the early 2000's... the upgrade was Facebook.. and the upgrade from Live Journal was to open a Blogger account. Never used to be the blogging type. But I enjoy it.
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
I dont have many friends but the ones I have make my life better than ever, here are some pictures with my friends
This picture is the Reynas and Gonzalez Family. We had a madatory 3/5 meeting in Irvine. Family day for the Battalion
And these are some of the greatest guys you will ever get to meet. From the left, Derek my husband, Ochoa, Paulo and Etrata
This picture is the Reynas and Gonzalez Family. We had a madatory 3/5 meeting in Irvine. Family day for the Battalion
And these are some of the greatest guys you will ever get to meet. From the left, Derek my husband, Ochoa, Paulo and Etrata
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
There are so many songs that I listen to on a day to day basis that I have a whole list.
Songs I listen to when I am sad are love songs, Alicia Keys mostly.
Songs when I am happy I listen to worship music, fast paced music and dance music
And when I am bored, I just choose not to listen to music. :)
or when I am mad, or "hyped"
Songs I listen to when I am sad are love songs, Alicia Keys mostly.
Songs when I am happy I listen to worship music, fast paced music and dance music
And when I am bored, I just choose not to listen to music. :)
or when I am mad, or "hyped"
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
There is something that I always do that gives me the "wow" factor. Weird enough right? Well I am beyond proud to be able to say that I will be a homeowner in three very short months. My husband and I decided to take the plunge and purchase a house. And we did. Buying a home or making any major decesion that takes time for prayer is a big step. And without serving an Awesome God this couldnt be possible. Now I always hear people say how many wonderful things are happening, which is awesome. but I never hear people give God praise. So today, I thank God for all that he has done in my life, my husbands life. and the things he will continue to do. I am a beyond blessed woman, and I know this. I have a wonderful husband who serves the Lord and loves me with his whole heart. And I couldnt be more happy. God is good. The devil is a liar. and ALL praise goes to God.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Well, I try to always give myself short term goals, but for this month I'm gonna have to go with Christmas Shopping. Christmas is next month that the thought hasnt even sunken in yet to get on my shopping list. Granted, We are buying a house and I'm not saying times are tough but right now our financial situation is a little different and our priorities are with saving. However, I would love to go out and spend money on my family. I love spending and giving to people who are important to me. Ask anyone and they will tell you how giving we are, there is nothing that is in our power that we wouldnt do.. So I say Christmas shopping.
My list goes for:
-BABY Mariah
-Dereks dad Marlon
-and other little nacks for relatives.
That should do.
My list goes for:
-BABY Mariah
-Dereks dad Marlon
-and other little nacks for relatives.
That should do.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

There have been so many people throughout my life that have impacted my life in more than one way but the two that I have to go with are My husband Derek and my neice Mariah Adrielle.
First, my husband Derek. My husband Derek has been more far amazing than I thought I could ever have. He is the light of my life and is the most respectful individual I have ever met. Not only does he love me, but he would do anything for me. Words cannot express how much I love and desire him.
Secondly, My neice Mariah Adrielle. Let me tell you how much of a handful this lil baby is but she is by far, hands down the most amazing thing ever invented! Currently she is 11 months old and this little girl has more personality that some 20 years olds have. However, the reason why she is so important to me is because before her I never ever wanted or desired children. and now when I am with her, I cannot picture my life without kids. She has changed my heart and my heart aches when I cant see her. She makes all our lives very happy!
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Never ever have I been one of those kids who watched cartoons on Saturday morning with a bowl of cereal. and to be honest, I just googled superheros and I can't recall any of the names. Does this mean I am getting old? or does it mean that I am crazy for not growing up and watching these superhero shows? Oh well. :) I do howeveer, remember that my husband is crazy about Batman. Not sure why though. :)
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
I've been to so many different places throughout the 23 merely short years of my life, however one locations sets apart from the rest. The Grand Canyon. I am very fortunate to live close to one of the seven wonders of the world. We, my sisters, my brother in law and myself went in Jan of 2009. It was so beautiful. It was snowing and beyond balls cold.
Heres one of me and my baby sister overlooking the great wonder.

so crazy how my sister looks so far away but shes right there.
Heres one of me and my baby sister overlooking the great wonder.

so crazy how my sister looks so far away but shes right there.
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Hmm, a bad habit. Just one? oh where should I begin? Well the worse habit of all is nail biting. I have been biting nails since before I had teef. :) nail biting is such a disgusting habit. and every year I've been trying to break it. well for my new years resolution every year its the same one. haha
another bad habit that I am currently in the process of starting is.... DRIVING FAST. I am an unbelievably fast driver. I cut people off, I break check them. I drive sometimes 30+ over the speed limit, I text while driving and I dont use my turning signals. boy this one has been adjusting quite fast actually. My mother was involved in a car accident last week and since then I havent done any of these. Ok, I just lied. I sped this morning to work cause I was running late. :()
another bad habit that I am currently in the process of starting is.... DRIVING FAST. I am an unbelievably fast driver. I cut people off, I break check them. I drive sometimes 30+ over the speed limit, I text while driving and I dont use my turning signals. boy this one has been adjusting quite fast actually. My mother was involved in a car accident last week and since then I havent done any of these. Ok, I just lied. I sped this morning to work cause I was running late. :()
Friday, November 5, 2010
Day 03- A Picture of you and your friends
And this, this is my best friend. Derek. Derek and I at the Marine Corps ball 2009. amazing night with some unbelievable people. 

These are Some of the greatest guys you will ever meet. Paulo on the right, and Adfaulter on the left. Marine Corps Ball 2009
Now, I am quite not sure when this was taken but I am almost positive this was the weekend I found out that Derek was deploying to Afhganistan so I said, "f you deployment" and got completely and utterly wasted (which will never happen again) and ended up in the ER from an panic attack! AMAZING yet funny NIGHT! This is Angela and Me.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Well not much to exactly explain except that instead of just Ms. its MRS. I am married to the most amazing, most respectful, most loving, most incredible man I have ever met, aside from Daddy. :) Elobrating on the name Mrs. Gonzo.. Hmm. Well going from day 1's post. I am married. Gonzalez is my full last name but its short. My husband is in the miltary and they call him "Gonzo" for short, or Doc Gonzo. And I'm Mrs. Gonzo. :)
Military Life,
MY Husband
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Here is me.

15 Facts about me that people dont know...
1. I love wearing mens deoderant.
2. I'm going to school to be a Dr, thats right. A doctor.
3. I was engaged for only 3 days, then my husband and I decided why wait? lets just go and get married. So we ran off the day after Thanksgiving of 2008 and got married. and we didnt tell anyone until Derek's first deployment.
4. I was recently diagnosed with Lung Disease. COPD-
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common lung diseases. It makes it difficult to breathe. There are two main forms of COPD:
Chronic bronchitis, defined by a long-term cough with mucus
Emphysema, defined by destruction of the lungs over time
Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. The more a person smokes, the more likely that person will develop COPD although some people smoke for years and never get COPD.
In rare cases, nonsmokers who lack a protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin can develop emphysema.
Other risk factors for COPD are:
Exposure to certain gases or fumes in the workplace
Exposure to heavy amounts of secondhand smoke and pollution
Frequent use of cooking gas without proper ventilation
Symptoms include-
Cough with mucus
Shortness of breath (dyspnea) that gets worse with mild activity
Frequent respiratory infections
5. I can't wait to have babies. I, well I should say "WE've" been trying quite hard. and its ridiculously fun. HAHA
6. IN 2011 we will be homeowners. My husband and I purchased a home, and currently it is in process of getting built. yes, a new home. With granite countertops, oak cabinets, tile, and carpet. you know, the usual.
7. I have a very strong fear of getting my hair cut. Cutting my hair is the worse thing that happens to me yearly, aside from the gyno violating me.
8. Today is my birthday, and I am terribly terrified of aging. I am scared to get wrinkly and saggy.
9. I am allergic to pretty much everything that floats in the air, and because of it I should belong in a bubble. My supervisor makes fun of me and calls me Bernie Hives. and I hate that nickname.
10. My family is gonna be millionaires. You know why, because my brother in law is going to be playing professional soccer for this team IN TURKEY!
11. My husband is the one who can take the best care of me. and I am learning more and more about him everyday, and everyday I am getting more and more crazy about that man.
12. You can never ever catch me without my blackberry or Ipod.
13. I HATE HATE HATE Citrus but I am in love with Lemon. weird huh?
14. I'm a pastors Kid. or to some, pastors spoiled rotten brat. I just tell them to dont hate. haha
15. I am the best person at being ME!

15 Facts about me that people dont know...
1. I love wearing mens deoderant.
2. I'm going to school to be a Dr, thats right. A doctor.
3. I was engaged for only 3 days, then my husband and I decided why wait? lets just go and get married. So we ran off the day after Thanksgiving of 2008 and got married. and we didnt tell anyone until Derek's first deployment.
4. I was recently diagnosed with Lung Disease. COPD-
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common lung diseases. It makes it difficult to breathe. There are two main forms of COPD:
Chronic bronchitis, defined by a long-term cough with mucus
Emphysema, defined by destruction of the lungs over time
Smoking is the leading cause of COPD. The more a person smokes, the more likely that person will develop COPD although some people smoke for years and never get COPD.
In rare cases, nonsmokers who lack a protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin can develop emphysema.
Other risk factors for COPD are:
Exposure to certain gases or fumes in the workplace
Exposure to heavy amounts of secondhand smoke and pollution
Frequent use of cooking gas without proper ventilation
Symptoms include-
Cough with mucus
Shortness of breath (dyspnea) that gets worse with mild activity
Frequent respiratory infections
5. I can't wait to have babies. I, well I should say "WE've" been trying quite hard. and its ridiculously fun. HAHA
6. IN 2011 we will be homeowners. My husband and I purchased a home, and currently it is in process of getting built. yes, a new home. With granite countertops, oak cabinets, tile, and carpet. you know, the usual.
7. I have a very strong fear of getting my hair cut. Cutting my hair is the worse thing that happens to me yearly, aside from the gyno violating me.
8. Today is my birthday, and I am terribly terrified of aging. I am scared to get wrinkly and saggy.
9. I am allergic to pretty much everything that floats in the air, and because of it I should belong in a bubble. My supervisor makes fun of me and calls me Bernie Hives. and I hate that nickname.
10. My family is gonna be millionaires. You know why, because my brother in law is going to be playing professional soccer for this team IN TURKEY!
11. My husband is the one who can take the best care of me. and I am learning more and more about him everyday, and everyday I am getting more and more crazy about that man.
12. You can never ever catch me without my blackberry or Ipod.
13. I HATE HATE HATE Citrus but I am in love with Lemon. weird huh?
14. I'm a pastors Kid. or to some, pastors spoiled rotten brat. I just tell them to dont hate. haha
15. I am the best person at being ME!
30 days of ME!~
Me. For a little change.
I stole this from a friends profile, so I figured I should try to commit to something lolfigured why not...
so heres to 30 days about me! Here is the titles...or whatever you wanna call them. Hopefully I can keep up with this, as there has been past posts that I have said I was going to keep up with something and never did!
30 days of me
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future or about your spouse.
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song.
I stole this from a friends profile, so I figured I should try to commit to something lolfigured why not...
so heres to 30 days about me! Here is the titles...or whatever you wanna call them. Hopefully I can keep up with this, as there has been past posts that I have said I was going to keep up with something and never did!
30 days of me
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future or about your spouse.
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Your favorite song.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
In the last three months
In the last three months..
Well so much has changed in my life in the last few months and I don't even know where to begin.. So ill start right up until my husband departed from me. Feb of 2010 we were announced with the news that my husband would be deploying with 2/5. Before him being in 2/5 he was in 3/5 and him transitioning to another battalion happened within a blink of an eye. Nevertheless we both did what we had to do and we went with the flow, as soon as he transitioned that's when the news was announced he'd be heading to Afghanistan in less than a few weeks. Oddly enough, Derek decided to tell me this news on a Friday night, the night we went to file on 2009 taxes. As shockingly as it was I was a little disappointed not only because I wanted him home, but just because it seemed like he just got back from the his last deployment. Well, with him deploying so soon we had to figure out everything and what we were gonna do. So granted, my lovely amazing father and my awesome husband thought it would be best if I move back to Arizona for the time being, (without really telling me they decided that). I was so upset they decided this without consulting me, because I wanted to stay in SoCal, I had a great job I loved my instructors at school and I was set. So I was a little furious that they made the decision for me.. Well we had about 2 weeks to figure out what we were gonna do, well I ended up moving back to Arizona. Well, it was almost that time, and time flew by so fast, we ended up putting all of our belongings in storage, and I was heading home.. Well, Derek left on March 26th en route to Afghanistan, and on March 27th I began the long journey home, with our dog Molly Coco and a car full of the little things I needed. As time passed Derek landed in Ireland for a few days of having a flight lay over. And as I was trying to get my life squared away I instantly started missing him. Well, it was not too long that Derek officially arrived in Afghanistan and that's when it all started..
Weeks have finally started going by faster, I transferred from the southern california campus to phx and I was back on top of things. I heard from Derek often, and things were going good. I started watching my niece every single day. She's 6 months old now, and she has captured a piece of my heart that only she will ever have. In the last three months I've changed my decision about wanting to be a parent. Mariah has softened my heart beyond words. She has truly been a little inspiration to me, and because of her I want children! Ask me that last year about wanting kids I woulda punched you in your jugular. :-). But she has forever changed me.
On mothers day of this year, I asked my mother to forgive me of all the wrong I've done to her in my entire life. And to make me more accountable for my actions I asked her to forgive me in front of about 100 people. As I was asking my mother for forgiveness I cried, I have hurt her beyond words could possibly ever express and for that I am truly thankful for a mother who has never given up in her child, me. Since Mothers day of 2009 I am a forever changed woman.
In the past three months I have had to say bye to my awesome friends, watch some of them move home, get out of the military and some even help us pack our belongings for this deployment. Also, while being back in Arizona I learned that people change either for the better or for worse.. Most of the people that used to admire just aren't a part of my life anymore, and I'm totally okay with that now. Old friends die and new friends come.
With my husband gone, I have become better at a lot of things. I've become more independent on myself and doing things on my own. I'm not saying I don't need my husband, but just sometimes we need to go through a season to learn about yourself and watch yourself grow. And I've done that. I've changed a lot, a lot of my perspectives and desires. I have learned a newer meaning of love and marriage.
So, thanks deployment.. You've made my time well spent. As much as I hate you, thank you. I have an awesome family an absolutely amazing husband that I wouldn't trade for the world. I've learned things that take some married couples years to figure out. I've built more solid realtionships with my family that I've become more happy with life. I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I've learned how to deal with the stressors that make people go crazy :-)
Well so much has changed in my life in the last few months and I don't even know where to begin.. So ill start right up until my husband departed from me. Feb of 2010 we were announced with the news that my husband would be deploying with 2/5. Before him being in 2/5 he was in 3/5 and him transitioning to another battalion happened within a blink of an eye. Nevertheless we both did what we had to do and we went with the flow, as soon as he transitioned that's when the news was announced he'd be heading to Afghanistan in less than a few weeks. Oddly enough, Derek decided to tell me this news on a Friday night, the night we went to file on 2009 taxes. As shockingly as it was I was a little disappointed not only because I wanted him home, but just because it seemed like he just got back from the his last deployment. Well, with him deploying so soon we had to figure out everything and what we were gonna do. So granted, my lovely amazing father and my awesome husband thought it would be best if I move back to Arizona for the time being, (without really telling me they decided that). I was so upset they decided this without consulting me, because I wanted to stay in SoCal, I had a great job I loved my instructors at school and I was set. So I was a little furious that they made the decision for me.. Well we had about 2 weeks to figure out what we were gonna do, well I ended up moving back to Arizona. Well, it was almost that time, and time flew by so fast, we ended up putting all of our belongings in storage, and I was heading home.. Well, Derek left on March 26th en route to Afghanistan, and on March 27th I began the long journey home, with our dog Molly Coco and a car full of the little things I needed. As time passed Derek landed in Ireland for a few days of having a flight lay over. And as I was trying to get my life squared away I instantly started missing him. Well, it was not too long that Derek officially arrived in Afghanistan and that's when it all started..
Weeks have finally started going by faster, I transferred from the southern california campus to phx and I was back on top of things. I heard from Derek often, and things were going good. I started watching my niece every single day. She's 6 months old now, and she has captured a piece of my heart that only she will ever have. In the last three months I've changed my decision about wanting to be a parent. Mariah has softened my heart beyond words. She has truly been a little inspiration to me, and because of her I want children! Ask me that last year about wanting kids I woulda punched you in your jugular. :-). But she has forever changed me.
On mothers day of this year, I asked my mother to forgive me of all the wrong I've done to her in my entire life. And to make me more accountable for my actions I asked her to forgive me in front of about 100 people. As I was asking my mother for forgiveness I cried, I have hurt her beyond words could possibly ever express and for that I am truly thankful for a mother who has never given up in her child, me. Since Mothers day of 2009 I am a forever changed woman.
In the past three months I have had to say bye to my awesome friends, watch some of them move home, get out of the military and some even help us pack our belongings for this deployment. Also, while being back in Arizona I learned that people change either for the better or for worse.. Most of the people that used to admire just aren't a part of my life anymore, and I'm totally okay with that now. Old friends die and new friends come.
With my husband gone, I have become better at a lot of things. I've become more independent on myself and doing things on my own. I'm not saying I don't need my husband, but just sometimes we need to go through a season to learn about yourself and watch yourself grow. And I've done that. I've changed a lot, a lot of my perspectives and desires. I have learned a newer meaning of love and marriage.
So, thanks deployment.. You've made my time well spent. As much as I hate you, thank you. I have an awesome family an absolutely amazing husband that I wouldn't trade for the world. I've learned things that take some married couples years to figure out. I've built more solid realtionships with my family that I've become more happy with life. I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face and a song in my heart. I've learned how to deal with the stressors that make people go crazy :-)
Baby Mariah,
Military Life,
Molly CoCo,
The Husband,
Working on the Fitness
Friday, June 4, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I love this......
I'm the girl who waits months for a single kiss, a kiss that makes the months apart worth every second.
How to Really know that your IN LOVE with your Man -
1. You sleep with his dog tags gently in your hand. Just hoping that he feels a little bit closer to you and he know your thinking about him .
2. You look at your phone a million times a day, thinking come on - just ring already, especially at 900 at night and 1200 in the afternoon .
3. You get up in the middle of the night to check your e-mail.
4. You sleep with your cell phone incase he calls in the middle of the night, and jump when it does ring.
5. You haven't shaved your legs in weeks, and the only time you actually do, is when you gotta wear shorts.
6. You start paying close attention at the news when the words "military" or "Afghanistan" are mentioned.
7. You suddenly have an obsession with anything military related.
8. You see someone wearing an Navy, or USMC shirt and you get this overwhelming urge to talk to them.
9. You make friends with strangers online just because they are in the same situation as you and are the only ones that can truly understand what you are going through.
10. You can't decide what to wear when you meet him at the airport because his flight comes in at a ridiculous hour in the morning and you want to look cute, but not too cute, because your cutest outfit you want to save for your first full day together.
11. You find yourself checking your e-mail every fifteen minutes.
12. You know all the time differences between where you are and Iraq, Ireland, Kuwait, Italy, Germany, Korea, and every state in the U.S.
13. The highlight of your day is getting a letter that was mailed a month ago.
14. And if you don't get a letter, the highlight of your day is writing him a letter that you know he will be able to read in a month.
15. You realize that HOMECOMING is so much more than a football game.
16. You want to hit any happy couple you see together.
17. You get excited about "unknown" phone numbers calling you.
18. You see a "support our troops" sticker on a car when you are stuck in traffic and you find yourself guessing about who they know that is deployed and thinking about their entire life story.
19. When the clock says 11:11, you find yourself wishing for the same thing every time: a call from your man.
20. You get excited when its only 5 months until you see your Man instead of 7!
21. You can't stand girls that talk about missing their boyfriends who live a few hours away. You just want to yell "drive and go see them" because if you had the chance, you would jump on the first plane to go see your soldier no matter how far it is.
22. You don't know what teams are on top for football, basketball, etc, because there is no other man around.
23. You wouldn't dream of walking out of the house without the cell phone and every number you have is forwarded to that cell.
24. You stay on the internet for hours searching for anything and everything about the military.
25. You talk to your friends about him so much that they finally realize your crazy, and you madly miss this man.
26. You shower with your cell phone sitting on the bathroom counter, so you don't miss his call.
27. If your cell phone battery is half used, you run to put it on charge, so if he happens to call, the battery don't die when your actually talking to him.
28. You are reading this and smiling and nodding because you know it's so true.
How to Really know that your IN LOVE with your Man -
1. You sleep with his dog tags gently in your hand. Just hoping that he feels a little bit closer to you and he know your thinking about him .
2. You look at your phone a million times a day, thinking come on - just ring already, especially at 900 at night and 1200 in the afternoon .
3. You get up in the middle of the night to check your e-mail.
4. You sleep with your cell phone incase he calls in the middle of the night, and jump when it does ring.
5. You haven't shaved your legs in weeks, and the only time you actually do, is when you gotta wear shorts.
6. You start paying close attention at the news when the words "military" or "Afghanistan" are mentioned.
7. You suddenly have an obsession with anything military related.
8. You see someone wearing an Navy, or USMC shirt and you get this overwhelming urge to talk to them.
9. You make friends with strangers online just because they are in the same situation as you and are the only ones that can truly understand what you are going through.
10. You can't decide what to wear when you meet him at the airport because his flight comes in at a ridiculous hour in the morning and you want to look cute, but not too cute, because your cutest outfit you want to save for your first full day together.
11. You find yourself checking your e-mail every fifteen minutes.
12. You know all the time differences between where you are and Iraq, Ireland, Kuwait, Italy, Germany, Korea, and every state in the U.S.
13. The highlight of your day is getting a letter that was mailed a month ago.
14. And if you don't get a letter, the highlight of your day is writing him a letter that you know he will be able to read in a month.
15. You realize that HOMECOMING is so much more than a football game.
16. You want to hit any happy couple you see together.
17. You get excited about "unknown" phone numbers calling you.
18. You see a "support our troops" sticker on a car when you are stuck in traffic and you find yourself guessing about who they know that is deployed and thinking about their entire life story.
19. When the clock says 11:11, you find yourself wishing for the same thing every time: a call from your man.
20. You get excited when its only 5 months until you see your Man instead of 7!
21. You can't stand girls that talk about missing their boyfriends who live a few hours away. You just want to yell "drive and go see them" because if you had the chance, you would jump on the first plane to go see your soldier no matter how far it is.
22. You don't know what teams are on top for football, basketball, etc, because there is no other man around.
23. You wouldn't dream of walking out of the house without the cell phone and every number you have is forwarded to that cell.
24. You stay on the internet for hours searching for anything and everything about the military.
25. You talk to your friends about him so much that they finally realize your crazy, and you madly miss this man.
26. You shower with your cell phone sitting on the bathroom counter, so you don't miss his call.
27. If your cell phone battery is half used, you run to put it on charge, so if he happens to call, the battery don't die when your actually talking to him.
28. You are reading this and smiling and nodding because you know it's so true.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
"Within you, I lose myself. Without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again."
Day 1 of diet: WOW!
I NEVER thought that living back home and have my mom on my case about what I eat would totally make a difference in what I take in and how much I work out. Actually, I am feeling GREAT! Yesterday I started my fitness training and I worked out twice today! Nevertheless, I woke up and couldn't even move but man I am feeling great. Although I am trying to stick it out and not eat junk food, that is a little hard for me. But I am trying and just within one day I am feeling great about myself. Since we are all attempting to loose weight all together, FAMILY We ALL weighed in yesterday. WE are set weight goals and how much we want to loose. Manuel wants to loose 67 pounds.. He wants to be 180 pounds! Isn't that kinda crazy? Anyways. It's going good.
Other than that, things are going great. I didn't get a chance to talk to you today, but not much is going on except me continuing to look for a job. Actually, you'll be surprised to know that I have my first interview next week with the University of Phoenix. Kinda weird right? but Its a job. We'll see.
Anyways I am off to church here soon, just thought I'd give you my first update on my fitness :)
I NEVER thought that living back home and have my mom on my case about what I eat would totally make a difference in what I take in and how much I work out. Actually, I am feeling GREAT! Yesterday I started my fitness training and I worked out twice today! Nevertheless, I woke up and couldn't even move but man I am feeling great. Although I am trying to stick it out and not eat junk food, that is a little hard for me. But I am trying and just within one day I am feeling great about myself. Since we are all attempting to loose weight all together, FAMILY We ALL weighed in yesterday. WE are set weight goals and how much we want to loose. Manuel wants to loose 67 pounds.. He wants to be 180 pounds! Isn't that kinda crazy? Anyways. It's going good.
Other than that, things are going great. I didn't get a chance to talk to you today, but not much is going on except me continuing to look for a job. Actually, you'll be surprised to know that I have my first interview next week with the University of Phoenix. Kinda weird right? but Its a job. We'll see.
Anyways I am off to church here soon, just thought I'd give you my first update on my fitness :)
Working on the Fitness
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I miss you..
Today was one of those days where I did my hardest to stay busy. Didnt really help when all I was thinking of was you, and that smile that I am in love with. I'm trying to stay strong but I don't see this getting any easier right now. I just miss you, I mean I know it's only a couple months but man, today is one of those days where I just want to cry because you arent here to tell me everything is going to be okay. I'm having problems transferring to AZ with univ of phx. They told me that my account was in default and in order to transfer I need to pay everything in full. I dont know who people think they are when they tell people that crap... like I have thousands and thousands of dollars to just fork over.. I wouldnt have that problem that I'm having if I had a buttload of freaking money. Stupid people wont call me back, email me back. nothing. Stupid people make it hard for us students to finish an education when no one is helping them along the way. Anyways, Nothing else is really new except that I looked for jobs and posted my resume to a lot of great places. It took me about 2 hours to fill out the application for American Express. I even had to do a simulation to see how well I was with customer service. I hope someone calls me back soon... at least to get an interview so I know someone is looking at my resume.
Today I watched Mariah all on my own and I must say I got a good hand now changing really bad poopy diapers. She is getting so big. She is shaking her head yes and no now! it is so crazy. She stands on her own and wants to always be sitting up. She is so precious. I look forward to waking up in the morning just to hold her and be with her.. She makes my heart happy and I love her sooo much.
Today Molly Coco lost her first tooth! yes! poor dog was playing with her mouth like something was in it. When I decided to look I opened her mouth and there was a baby tooth hanging by like just a little bit.. I showed Vanessa and I told her to pull it.. and she did.. now our puppy is a little toothless.. I saved the tooth. Vanessa told me to send you her tooth in a letter. I thought that was kinda funny. Molly is getting so micheivious being around Lola and trouble. She doesnt listen for nothing. Its kinda funny, but then it's not because she doesnt pay attention.. lol. But either way, I love my lil cute puppy. She makes me soooo happy. and I love her sooo much too!
Anyways, I dont have anything else to really update or say except I miss you sooooo much! I love you beyond belief! you are the light of my life and I am so proud of you.
I love you ,
Today I watched Mariah all on my own and I must say I got a good hand now changing really bad poopy diapers. She is getting so big. She is shaking her head yes and no now! it is so crazy. She stands on her own and wants to always be sitting up. She is so precious. I look forward to waking up in the morning just to hold her and be with her.. She makes my heart happy and I love her sooo much.
Today Molly Coco lost her first tooth! yes! poor dog was playing with her mouth like something was in it. When I decided to look I opened her mouth and there was a baby tooth hanging by like just a little bit.. I showed Vanessa and I told her to pull it.. and she did.. now our puppy is a little toothless.. I saved the tooth. Vanessa told me to send you her tooth in a letter. I thought that was kinda funny. Molly is getting so micheivious being around Lola and trouble. She doesnt listen for nothing. Its kinda funny, but then it's not because she doesnt pay attention.. lol. But either way, I love my lil cute puppy. She makes me soooo happy. and I love her sooo much too!
Anyways, I dont have anything else to really update or say except I miss you sooooo much! I love you beyond belief! you are the light of my life and I am so proud of you.
I love you ,
Baby Mariah,
Molly CoCo,
The Husband
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Missing my husband doesnt get easier
I really miss that wonderful man of mine. I have been trying my hardest to keep busy. Today I hung out with Chris, we went to B dubs LOL and watched Chris shop. Not too much today. Omg Molly is learning that she can bark at anything and everything just because she can and I wont do anything about it. She is sooo cute. Man I love my cute dog. She is getting so mischevious though that its cute. :)
Other than that, I forgot how much allergies I have when I am here. I feel like scratching my nose off when I am in the shower that is how bad I itch. It is horrible. plus, I am officially cutting back on the coffee that I am having major withdrawls. Its getting better but the headaches just make me want to sleep.
Update on nana. She is doing well, visited her today with Chris and she is improving drastically. The pics of her car are crazy. Everyone keeps saying we dont know how she is still alive. she is a miracle. Today she began her physical therapy. She was in so much pain but she is making progress. She asked me and chris to buy her gum. yes gum :) you know how she is.. :)
Other than that, I know Im blabbering but I dont have much to say tonight except I love you, I miss you terribly. :)
Other than that, I forgot how much allergies I have when I am here. I feel like scratching my nose off when I am in the shower that is how bad I itch. It is horrible. plus, I am officially cutting back on the coffee that I am having major withdrawls. Its getting better but the headaches just make me want to sleep.
Update on nana. She is doing well, visited her today with Chris and she is improving drastically. The pics of her car are crazy. Everyone keeps saying we dont know how she is still alive. she is a miracle. Today she began her physical therapy. She was in so much pain but she is making progress. She asked me and chris to buy her gum. yes gum :) you know how she is.. :)
Other than that, I know Im blabbering but I dont have much to say tonight except I love you, I miss you terribly. :)
Military Life,
Molly CoCo,
The Husband
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Tonight, I cried
Reality hit this evening when I really thought about it.... My husband is actually in Afghanistan. Man oh man. Tonight was Thursday night bible study. And it was on
Proverbs 3: 5-6. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.". I must say that this deployment is much more challenging than
Last deployment. My husband is in a war zone. I am so scared for some reason and I know I know I know I should really be trusting in God knowing that he is covered by God.
My heart broke tonight, as much as I don't want to think about it, the fact of the matter is, is that my husband is doing great things. Man I miss him soo much.
I must say that it is true... You don't realize how much you got until its gone, this is true on so many levels
I love you sweetheart! You are the light of my life,
The most amazin man that I have met
Proverbs 3: 5-6. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.". I must say that this deployment is much more challenging than
Last deployment. My husband is in a war zone. I am so scared for some reason and I know I know I know I should really be trusting in God knowing that he is covered by God.
My heart broke tonight, as much as I don't want to think about it, the fact of the matter is, is that my husband is doing great things. Man I miss him soo much.
I must say that it is true... You don't realize how much you got until its gone, this is true on so many levels
I love you sweetheart! You are the light of my life,
The most amazin man that I have met
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Molly Moomoo
It's crazy living back home, it's almost like everything went back to how it was.... except now I am married and have a little fur ball with me everywhere I go... and of course Derek isn't here currently. So yesterday I took Molly mo to get her first real hair cut and to the vet. I told the people at pets mart to call me if they needed me. well, they did call me to come get her... she was done but I knew that molly bothered them because the lady sounded irratated with Molly. I asked the lady what was wrong, she said we found out that Molly hates the blow dryer. :-) As much as I wanted to be mad a molly I smiled, she is so funny.. It's crazy how she has a personality similar to me.. fiesty. :)
anyways after the haircut I took Molly to the vet. We waited ( me and Christopher) for about 50 minutes to see the vet for 10 minutes. Anyways, while we waiting there was about 10 other dogs waiting to be seen by the same guy. Chris whispered into my ear and said, "The dogs in here sure do look like their owners." So true! fat lady in there with a obese dog being seen because he's weezing! Sorry to burst your bubble ma'am but the reason your dog is like that is because he is overweight. hahaha Another dog was big and tall, the Lassie dog.. You could tell she was sick, anyways her coat was so long it was dragging on the floor, she shook and stood up and (we counted) 7 ticks fall off the dog! nasty. People don't take care of their pets.. gross.. so after I saw the ticks and fur everywhere I kinda grossed myself out. I was disgusted by the time we left that place. Anyways, Molly is finally being seen and they tell me she has allergies and that I have to give her 12.8 miligrams of childrens benadryl twice a day... plus she has that kennel cough still.. and he gave me penicillian for her twice a day. But shes okay! she is caught up on shots until next year. :)
After I left the vet I went to mom and dads, sat outside with mom and let molly run around. I gave her, her medication of the benadryl and the penacillian. she did NOT like the Penacillian. She was running around playing around I think she got bit by somethitng or she had a reaction to the shots or the medicine I gave her. I dont know but she freaked me out like she normally does... buy dad said its probably because she had a stressful day of going everywhere.. but shes fine now.. that was my day yesterday.
Anyways today, loooked for a job. did homework and watched the baby. My nana lucy got into a car accident today. She had very serious injuries. She fractured 3 ribs and had some internal bleeding. I'm actually gonna be heading to the hospital right now with my sisters and dad.. mom is already there. I guess my nana went to south phx today and she was supposed to be back to the house early morning time, she didnt and my tata got worried and he didnt find out she was in a car accident until 2 o'clock pm. Then my mom called us and freaked us out too.
Well. I am off. I miss you so much its crazy. I am praying for you. stay encouraged and be strong. I love you so much
anyways after the haircut I took Molly to the vet. We waited ( me and Christopher) for about 50 minutes to see the vet for 10 minutes. Anyways, while we waiting there was about 10 other dogs waiting to be seen by the same guy. Chris whispered into my ear and said, "The dogs in here sure do look like their owners." So true! fat lady in there with a obese dog being seen because he's weezing! Sorry to burst your bubble ma'am but the reason your dog is like that is because he is overweight. hahaha Another dog was big and tall, the Lassie dog.. You could tell she was sick, anyways her coat was so long it was dragging on the floor, she shook and stood up and (we counted) 7 ticks fall off the dog! nasty. People don't take care of their pets.. gross.. so after I saw the ticks and fur everywhere I kinda grossed myself out. I was disgusted by the time we left that place. Anyways, Molly is finally being seen and they tell me she has allergies and that I have to give her 12.8 miligrams of childrens benadryl twice a day... plus she has that kennel cough still.. and he gave me penicillian for her twice a day. But shes okay! she is caught up on shots until next year. :)
After I left the vet I went to mom and dads, sat outside with mom and let molly run around. I gave her, her medication of the benadryl and the penacillian. she did NOT like the Penacillian. She was running around playing around I think she got bit by somethitng or she had a reaction to the shots or the medicine I gave her. I dont know but she freaked me out like she normally does... buy dad said its probably because she had a stressful day of going everywhere.. but shes fine now.. that was my day yesterday.
Anyways today, loooked for a job. did homework and watched the baby. My nana lucy got into a car accident today. She had very serious injuries. She fractured 3 ribs and had some internal bleeding. I'm actually gonna be heading to the hospital right now with my sisters and dad.. mom is already there. I guess my nana went to south phx today and she was supposed to be back to the house early morning time, she didnt and my tata got worried and he didnt find out she was in a car accident until 2 o'clock pm. Then my mom called us and freaked us out too.
Well. I am off. I miss you so much its crazy. I am praying for you. stay encouraged and be strong. I love you so much
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Round 2-Afghanistan!
Day 1.
Alright, so my husband has been gone for almost two days now. Let me tell you this time saying "I'll see you later" was not as nearly as hard as it was last deployment. I felt so at peace when I told my husband I'll see you soon. I actually felt joy in my heart when I saw him for the last time. I thank God for His peace. I know I have a mighty man. and he is a BA at what he does.
Anyways to go on.... I officially moved everything out of the apartment and into storage where our stuff will dwell for the next couple months. It was so easy at moving everything out then instantly I got overwhelmed because I was sooo tired! But it went well. After that I filled the car, took a movie back, got some cash, grabbed a bite then I was on my way EAST to our home state AZ!
Yeah! so I made it to AZ! and Molly Coco did well with the drive.. that little rascal loved the air touching her little mouth.. It was so cute, it was like she was trying to bite the air. It was soo cute. I love my dog, she has kept me on my toes, cleaning up her poopie and peepee everywhere.. shes like a little leaky faucet. But... I love my little leaky faucet, my lil poopie girl, my lil bald headed hairy princess. :)
I am really starting to miss my husband but I know he is okay. Lately, people have been asking me where is Derek? boy that sure pisses me off when they say sorry that he's over seas! DON'T say sorry~! I know they mean right but c'mon man!.
I love you Derek, With all my heart!
May God continue to be with you. Let him guide you. Remember, you are the light of the world. :)
Alright, so my husband has been gone for almost two days now. Let me tell you this time saying "I'll see you later" was not as nearly as hard as it was last deployment. I felt so at peace when I told my husband I'll see you soon. I actually felt joy in my heart when I saw him for the last time. I thank God for His peace. I know I have a mighty man. and he is a BA at what he does.
Anyways to go on.... I officially moved everything out of the apartment and into storage where our stuff will dwell for the next couple months. It was so easy at moving everything out then instantly I got overwhelmed because I was sooo tired! But it went well. After that I filled the car, took a movie back, got some cash, grabbed a bite then I was on my way EAST to our home state AZ!
Yeah! so I made it to AZ! and Molly Coco did well with the drive.. that little rascal loved the air touching her little mouth.. It was so cute, it was like she was trying to bite the air. It was soo cute. I love my dog, she has kept me on my toes, cleaning up her poopie and peepee everywhere.. shes like a little leaky faucet. But... I love my little leaky faucet, my lil poopie girl, my lil bald headed hairy princess. :)
I am really starting to miss my husband but I know he is okay. Lately, people have been asking me where is Derek? boy that sure pisses me off when they say sorry that he's over seas! DON'T say sorry~! I know they mean right but c'mon man!.
I love you Derek, With all my heart!
May God continue to be with you. Let him guide you. Remember, you are the light of the world. :)
Military Life,
Molly CoCo,
The Husband
Monday, March 15, 2010
So much to update on!
Ok, I have been so busy lately getting everything ready for Derek to leave. MY last day of work was on March 5th!. booooo. Since March 5th we have massively emptied our entire apartment! everything is in storage and packed away. Our last day in our apartment is March 25th! my how time flies by soo fast! Derek bought me a lil doggy! Her name is Molly Coco Gonzalez. She is 3 months old! she is a lhasa apso. And I love her soo much. She is the best little puppy that I have ever seen and she is mine! I took her to her first Vet's appointment and she has an ear infection in the right ear. and lately, well, within the last couple of days she has been coughing so much. almost like she is gagging. I told the vet and she said it doesn't hurt her? I think it still might be kennel cough but I just don't want her little body to be hurting. or for her to choke. I just feel so helpless. I want to help her and take it away.
Anyways, My D got another tattoo last weekend. 1 Samuel 17:52 on the inner arm on his right side. It is actually very nice. I like it. It represents him how he feels before leaving to Afghanistan.
Anyways, I cant think of anything else to update on... until next time.
Anyways, My D got another tattoo last weekend. 1 Samuel 17:52 on the inner arm on his right side. It is actually very nice. I like it. It represents him how he feels before leaving to Afghanistan.
Anyways, I cant think of anything else to update on... until next time.
Military Life,
Molly CoCo,
The Husband
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Its time.
We have officially locked everything up in storage, my last day of work is this friday. March 5th. I am starting to let all of this get to me. But at the same time I have mixed feelings. The apartment is completely empty, the other day after work I just sat in my car until D got home cause I didnt want to be inside alone.
I know that all things work together for the good of those who love the lord. I am just so terrified and I know I shouldnt let this affect me the way that this all has. :) on the brighter note, I get to see the family this weekend. We are going back to Zona to drop one of the cars pff.
Anyways. Its about that time we start wrapping everything up in Cali. :(
I know that all things work together for the good of those who love the lord. I am just so terrified and I know I shouldnt let this affect me the way that this all has. :) on the brighter note, I get to see the family this weekend. We are going back to Zona to drop one of the cars pff.
Anyways. Its about that time we start wrapping everything up in Cali. :(
Military Life,
The Husband,
The Lord
Monday, February 22, 2010
Getting ready
So Derek will be leaving in a 2 week period. That means that we have to pack, relocate all of our belongings to Arizona. Im really sad that I have to do this, I thought the only time I'd be moving back to Arizona is with Derek when he seperated from Active Duty. Im really not looking forward into the next several months. I kinda made myself cry this afternoon when I "googled" news in Afghanistan. so much bad stuff is going on over there and I now have to worry for my husbands life and proctection. My stomach turns when I think about the life out there. I am teriffied to death and I cant contain it. What am I supposed to do without him here? how am I supposed to go with my everyday life knowing that my husband is out in harms way?
Military Life,
The Husband
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Get Some 2/5
For those of you who read my posts, I know some of you do.. but I was given news yesterday evening that The Husband will soon be leaving to Afghanistan. Never did I thought he would have to leave me again. So this was quite a shocker to the both of us, and completely unexpected. So we have so much stuff to do! like plan my living arrangements, get dereks gear list situated. and school stuff arranged for me.
Soooo. his is officially on his pre-deployment leave. great huh?
not too much to say about this subject except ohhrah.
Soooo. his is officially on his pre-deployment leave. great huh?
not too much to say about this subject except ohhrah.
Military Life,
The Husband
Friday, February 12, 2010
Some interesting facts.
1. I hate anything minty.
2. Citrus and pepper make my allergies go crazy.
3. I get really bad headaches from certain spices. ie. pepper.
4. My mom said that I have a natural scent of cinnamon.
5. I yawn probably 50 times a day. even when I aint tired.
6. I was told by my mom I was dropped on my head when I was a baby, she says that only when I say ignorant things. :)
7. I love tea and coffee.
8. A good book is the way to my heart.
9. I enjoy praying. praying is like a hobby of mine. :)
10. I became an auntie on Dec 16th, 2009 to the most beautiful baby I have ever laid eyes on.
11. I am married to an amazing person who has really pushed me to get to where I am today.
12. I bite my nails, its a really nasty bad habit, and really un lady like. but Im trying to stop.. hey at least I dont smoke right!? :
13. I am the middle child of the family.
14. and probably the one who was most spoiled as a child.
15. I have a minor obsession with Guess watches. I own like 13 going on 27.
16. I love my wedding ring, its the most significant item I own.
17. I want to join the Marines, but my husband refuses to let me join.
18. I have some pretty remarkable friends. and the few I have I wouldnt change them for anything.
19. The person who has ever had to most influence in my life happen to be My pastor for life. Pastor Jim Brown.
20. I have a cadillac, no I'm not spoiled. Im just blessed with great things.
21. This is weird, but I am terrified of seaweed at the beach. I feel like it could just wrap my body up and drown me.. DONT LAUGH!
22. Im in school to be a dr. and with God ALL things are possible.
23. I am absolutely mortified to have a child, when that day comes.
24. I always wanted bigger lips. I want collagen.
25. I have some crazy stories about me as a child. crazy unbelievable stories.
26. my dream is to visit Eygpt one day.
27. My favorite cruse word, that I dont say is: Jag-off (a Chicago regionalism) ITS NOT BAD PEOPLE.
28. I hate, cannot stand chocolate but I have a sweet tooth anyday for butterfingers.
29. I hate sad movies.
30. I cannot function correctly if I do not have my morning coffee.
31. I get real worried when I think about my future. and my age.. lol
32. I love reading biographies.
33. I like learning new words. weird, yes.
34. I am secretly in love with Terrance Howard and Denzel Washington. Yes, my husband does know this. :)
35. I rarely remember my dreams. This has not always been the case.
36. I've laughed so hard that I've peed in my pants on several different occasions. last was with Brittany.
37. Obama should not be president. End of story.
38. I have always found books about serial killers interesting. I know weird huh?
39. one of several ongoing passions of mine is: driving.
40. My mother is one of th greatest singers that I have ever listened to. she amazes me everyday.
41. I love the sound of the ocean.
42. What turns me off: Close-mindedness, gossip meant to hurt somebody
43. The first word I learned to spell was: Transportation.
44. I hated long division math when I was a kid, actually, I still hate it.
45. I hate video games, last I played was with Derek from there on I had bad dreams about zombies chasing me.. Medal of honor I believe.
46. I like to sleep with 6 pillows.
47. I could by a pair of shoes every day if I could.
48. Orchids and red long stem roses are my favorite.
49. I love Davidoff Cool Water. dont get me started...... :)
50. I spent my 21st birthday in San Deigo with Derek. Thats all I can remember. haha.
51. I want to expierence a Mardi Gras. just once.
52. My last name is Gonzalez, and my husband is a white boy. strange huh! :)
53. I dont accept Michael Jackson being dead. HE is my favorite.
54. I cant stand when Im waiting in line and I can feel the person behind me breathing on me.
55. I hate being placed on hold.
56. I hate ironing.
57. I cant stand Spencer Pratt. that guy is a douche.
58. I love the Bee Gees beyond words.
59. people say Im strange. I dont get why? haha
60. I want to own a pool when I purchase a home.
61. I believe everything that the Bible says.
62. I guess I grind my teeth when I sleep. thats a no no.
63. I hate fastfood.
63. My sister Vanessa makes fun of my toes, she calls them french fries.
64. my baby sister will be a marine. some day.
65. I am so proud of my family. they are wonderful in every way possible.
66. I think Kim Kardashian is absoultely stunning.
67. I always wanted to own a pinto.
68. but then again, my dream car is a Range Rover.
69. Greena and brown are my favorite colors.
70. I miss mom and dad.
71. I enjoy barnes and noble when I dont have any money. just go and read some lit.
72. I love airports.
73. I have a real star in the sky named after me. no lie.
74. I suck at parking my car, but great at driving it :)
75. I want to buy my mom a newer cadillac. the xlr couple one. she deserves it.
76. I love it when my parents tell me they are proud of me. that will never ever get old to me.
77. I love the smell of strawberries.
78. I will name my son, Zacariah or Ezekiel. if that ever happens. lol
79. I like taking baths.
80. I HATE shaving, its so time consuming.
81. I want to write a childrens book.
82. Im allergic to bananas.
83. I love listening to people with accents, its so sexy. haha
84. I will never own a van. sorry no soccer moms here.
85. I really enjoy Army Wives. even though its not all
86. I want to go to the olympics some day.
87. my favorite TV show growing up was Three's Company.
88. I really appreciate war movies.
89. I made an attempt to be a gardener, do over please?
90. my mom made me and my sisters watch sesame street growing up.. I think it helped.
91. I love tattoos and peircings.
92. I want Dereks initials on my ring finger one day.
93. Hollywood Blvd makes me uneasy. haha
94. My favorite band is Sanctus Real.
95. I hate cold weather, but some day I would love to make San Francisco my home.
96. I want to own a boat.
97. And meet a president.
98. Im a bookworm.
99. Im an overanalyzer.
100. Im 23 going on 36 wanting the best of life.. I have an amazing family, good friends.
2. Citrus and pepper make my allergies go crazy.
3. I get really bad headaches from certain spices. ie. pepper.
4. My mom said that I have a natural scent of cinnamon.
5. I yawn probably 50 times a day. even when I aint tired.
6. I was told by my mom I was dropped on my head when I was a baby, she says that only when I say ignorant things. :)
7. I love tea and coffee.
8. A good book is the way to my heart.
9. I enjoy praying. praying is like a hobby of mine. :)
10. I became an auntie on Dec 16th, 2009 to the most beautiful baby I have ever laid eyes on.
11. I am married to an amazing person who has really pushed me to get to where I am today.
12. I bite my nails, its a really nasty bad habit, and really un lady like. but Im trying to stop.. hey at least I dont smoke right!? :
13. I am the middle child of the family.
14. and probably the one who was most spoiled as a child.
15. I have a minor obsession with Guess watches. I own like 13 going on 27.
16. I love my wedding ring, its the most significant item I own.
17. I want to join the Marines, but my husband refuses to let me join.
18. I have some pretty remarkable friends. and the few I have I wouldnt change them for anything.
19. The person who has ever had to most influence in my life happen to be My pastor for life. Pastor Jim Brown.
20. I have a cadillac, no I'm not spoiled. Im just blessed with great things.
21. This is weird, but I am terrified of seaweed at the beach. I feel like it could just wrap my body up and drown me.. DONT LAUGH!
22. Im in school to be a dr. and with God ALL things are possible.
23. I am absolutely mortified to have a child, when that day comes.
24. I always wanted bigger lips. I want collagen.
25. I have some crazy stories about me as a child. crazy unbelievable stories.
26. my dream is to visit Eygpt one day.
27. My favorite cruse word, that I dont say is: Jag-off (a Chicago regionalism) ITS NOT BAD PEOPLE.
28. I hate, cannot stand chocolate but I have a sweet tooth anyday for butterfingers.
29. I hate sad movies.
30. I cannot function correctly if I do not have my morning coffee.
31. I get real worried when I think about my future. and my age.. lol
32. I love reading biographies.
33. I like learning new words. weird, yes.
34. I am secretly in love with Terrance Howard and Denzel Washington. Yes, my husband does know this. :)
35. I rarely remember my dreams. This has not always been the case.
36. I've laughed so hard that I've peed in my pants on several different occasions. last was with Brittany.
37. Obama should not be president. End of story.
38. I have always found books about serial killers interesting. I know weird huh?
39. one of several ongoing passions of mine is: driving.
40. My mother is one of th greatest singers that I have ever listened to. she amazes me everyday.
41. I love the sound of the ocean.
42. What turns me off: Close-mindedness, gossip meant to hurt somebody
43. The first word I learned to spell was: Transportation.
44. I hated long division math when I was a kid, actually, I still hate it.
45. I hate video games, last I played was with Derek from there on I had bad dreams about zombies chasing me.. Medal of honor I believe.
46. I like to sleep with 6 pillows.
47. I could by a pair of shoes every day if I could.
48. Orchids and red long stem roses are my favorite.
49. I love Davidoff Cool Water. dont get me started...... :)
50. I spent my 21st birthday in San Deigo with Derek. Thats all I can remember. haha.
51. I want to expierence a Mardi Gras. just once.
52. My last name is Gonzalez, and my husband is a white boy. strange huh! :)
53. I dont accept Michael Jackson being dead. HE is my favorite.
54. I cant stand when Im waiting in line and I can feel the person behind me breathing on me.
55. I hate being placed on hold.
56. I hate ironing.
57. I cant stand Spencer Pratt. that guy is a douche.
58. I love the Bee Gees beyond words.
59. people say Im strange. I dont get why? haha
60. I want to own a pool when I purchase a home.
61. I believe everything that the Bible says.
62. I guess I grind my teeth when I sleep. thats a no no.
63. I hate fastfood.
63. My sister Vanessa makes fun of my toes, she calls them french fries.
64. my baby sister will be a marine. some day.
65. I am so proud of my family. they are wonderful in every way possible.
66. I think Kim Kardashian is absoultely stunning.
67. I always wanted to own a pinto.
68. but then again, my dream car is a Range Rover.
69. Greena and brown are my favorite colors.
70. I miss mom and dad.
71. I enjoy barnes and noble when I dont have any money. just go and read some lit.
72. I love airports.
73. I have a real star in the sky named after me. no lie.
74. I suck at parking my car, but great at driving it :)
75. I want to buy my mom a newer cadillac. the xlr couple one. she deserves it.
76. I love it when my parents tell me they are proud of me. that will never ever get old to me.
77. I love the smell of strawberries.
78. I will name my son, Zacariah or Ezekiel. if that ever happens. lol
79. I like taking baths.
80. I HATE shaving, its so time consuming.
81. I want to write a childrens book.
82. Im allergic to bananas.
83. I love listening to people with accents, its so sexy. haha
84. I will never own a van. sorry no soccer moms here.
85. I really enjoy Army Wives. even though its not all
86. I want to go to the olympics some day.
87. my favorite TV show growing up was Three's Company.
88. I really appreciate war movies.
89. I made an attempt to be a gardener, do over please?
90. my mom made me and my sisters watch sesame street growing up.. I think it helped.
91. I love tattoos and peircings.
92. I want Dereks initials on my ring finger one day.
93. Hollywood Blvd makes me uneasy. haha
94. My favorite band is Sanctus Real.
95. I hate cold weather, but some day I would love to make San Francisco my home.
96. I want to own a boat.
97. And meet a president.
98. Im a bookworm.
99. Im an overanalyzer.
100. Im 23 going on 36 wanting the best of life.. I have an amazing family, good friends.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
So my sister and I were having a conversation about children. All of my female cousins have popped out a child except me. on ALL sides of the family. is that wrong? I dont want kids anytime soon but I have been getting so much pressure from everyone including my husband about having a child. I DO NOT WANT A CHILD anytime soon. How hard is that to understand? I have a life of school still ahead of me. I have been in college for 6 whole years already and I have done just fine without a lil Gonzo crawling around. Im tired of taking everyones BS on having a child.
Military Life,
MY Husband
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
My amazingly super smart, talented husband passed his FMF exam portion today!!!!
Thats it today!
so proud of my husband!
Thats it today!
so proud of my husband!
Monday, February 8, 2010
that stupid darn superbowl
I dont see why people make such a huge overrated deal when it comes to sports, generally the retarded supebowl. I guess it just makes me so mad when I see die had fans go all out for a couple of hours of a stupid ball being thrown around. I dont get it? why are people that way when it comes to football? It breaks me heart to see so many lost people across the world get crazy like that for a game.. Just think of this for a moment. could you possibly begin to imagine people getting like that for God and for church? as much as I would love to say that could be the case, reality of it is that will never happen. People everyday are loosing their souls because of the consquences people make. but I just wish they would really take a look into their lives and try to find some salvation. It would be so great to see an arena filled like that and pumped for Christ that way. but that'll never happen.
anyways, I guess I am done venting. I never said that there is anything wrong with people enjoying a nice game and stuff. but how bout we try harder to be that way for God. Is that wrong?
anyways, I guess I am done venting. I never said that there is anything wrong with people enjoying a nice game and stuff. but how bout we try harder to be that way for God. Is that wrong?
Friday, February 5, 2010
Oh joy. the military
Great, never would have I thought that Derek would have to face another deployment until last night. currently Derek is in Bridgeport and his stupid chief keeps questioning all the sr line guys about extending for afghanistan, which is a buncha BS if you ask me. 3/5 isnt supposed to be heading out until oct/now. Derek gets out in Dec. Dec 10th to be exact. Well come last night Derek advised me that his chief is going to make every attempt possible to get the guys in another battalion who is onward to deploy for a spring deployment. if you ask me its crap and a half. Derek isnt too happy about this. and the bad thing about all of this is me and D have been planning on what we have lined up for our civi life..
not too much that my mind is dwelling on..
not too much that my mind is dwelling on..
Military Life,
The Husband
Thursday, February 4, 2010
another one bites the dust.
So today marks the 48ish hours until I will see my husband again. I havent posted on this thing for qiute sometime. I have been so busy with school work its been insane. MY instructor is a "harvard" grad and she feels the need to put us through hell because she just can. BS. oh well, anyways I have one more week of this nonsense.
Not really much to update except that I am ready to have derek home now. :)
Not really much to update except that I am ready to have derek home now. :)
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