Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, March 30, 2012

6 Months and taking over the world one heart at a time.

Taking over the world one heart at a time for every single person she comes through her life.. Getting only more charming as each day passes, stealing the hearts of all who cross her path, she has the smile of her father.. it melts hearts. There has been so much change within the last few months with my darling little daughter. She's now sitting up, she sits in her high chair, bounces in her bouncer, pushes BACK in her walker and loves to play alone with all her toys in her own room. Sure do have mixed feelings about how much shes changing. Officially now she is in STAGE 2 of baby Gerber food... stage 2- SITTER. :) And she’s fetchingly chubbed out at 17 pounds. Story-time has taken over as her favourite activity, next to music-time. Loving the sound of her own voice, she can frequently be heard throughout the walls of our home babbling in a sing-song voice at the top of her lungs. And may I add... she is self-weaning the devil (The PACIFIER) lol

Her newest little adventure: taking her socks off. Well, actually she's been doing it quite some time now but its consistent even more.. she HATES socks on.. and personally I cannot STAND to see babies without socks on.. and now my daughter LOVES to be without socks. HA. just my luck. But my baby girl is progressing good. Here are are new stats as of today... She had her 6 month doctors appointment.


Weight: 16 Pounds 12 Ounces

Height: 25 1/2 inches.

Head Circumference is: 43.5 centimeters.

Friday, March 16, 2012

A love letter to my babys swing... True Story

A love note to my baby girls swing.

Dearest, Fisher-Price My Little Snug-a-Bunny Swing, (LONG DANG name!)
I just wanted to say thank you and that I love you dearly. You have been so good to our family these last  six months that I wanted to let you know that you are important piece to our families life :).  I know some people would think that this is weird writing to you but this little letter is to prove to you our little token of appreciation.  I know it might seem a little fast being that we have only really known you for 6 months but, we really cannot imagine our life without you.My life is better because of you. The soothing way about you and your soft “voice” that hums sweet, little lullabies to my baby makes my heart pitter patter. You’re so considerate – always offering to take the baby so I can get a break and maybe make myself a sandwich – you know the way to my heart.  I know you’re not the best looking piece of furniture in my house but as of right now... I don’t care about looks. It’s what’s inside that counts – and inside of you lies a magical baby whisperer that more than makes up for the chunk of real estate you take up in my master bedroom (you do have a 25 lb. weight limit after all), but I just want to take advantage of every beautiful moment of this wonderful thing we have going while I can.

I’m so glad you’re in my life baby swing.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Newborn, Three-months, six-months....

For everyone who ever offered a class or written a book, article or website about breastfeeding should be drop kicked and punched in the face. No one can fully understand breastfeeding fully until the actually commit to it. To many, people think its simple to just "put baby/latch on boob"... to be honest there is much more that goes into the whole breastfeeding thing.

Now that I’ve been breastfeeding for six months, I can see that there are many different stages to breastfeeding. And I’m sure there are many more to come in the months that follow!

Here is what I’ve experienced so far…
Having a newborn baby:

I remember when I first started this nursing venture when my daughter was immediately born.. and man she knew exactly what to do. I never had any problem with her feeding but for a beginner that business HURT like a mo fo. It starts out extremely painful and uncomfortable, engorged boobs, cracked nipples, and milk is spraying everywhere. For new moms like me, you get confused and you have no idea if the baby is getting enough milk or how long you should feed them at a time. Your body is slowing trying to get back into the change of returning to normal, your hormones are out of control and you become emotional when you stare into your new child's eyes. And at that moment being able to provide the nutrition your child needs gives you so much satisfaction as a mother. When I was on maternity leave all I did was pick my nursing spot, my bed; and I had my water, cell phone, remotes and lights off and enjoyed my whole day doing nothing except bonding with my little milk monster.

Having a Three-Month-Old:

When having a three-month old you kinda sorta get the hang of nursing on demand, night time, at dinner and even in church... for me anyway. At this point you got more of a schedule down and now were doing anywhere between 15-20 Min's on each boob. I think we got this whole breastfeeding down.. did me and little girl master this? I think not... but I do love is when she occasionally looks at me with the most biggest smile on her face... she knows how to melt my heart like no other.

Having a Six-Month-Old:

Wow, its now turning into a bit of a challenge. With teeth coming in, her grinding is becoming a nightmare!. I think she thinks I am now supposed to be used as a teething _ _ _ _ ? something? haha. She has obviously become way more mobile meaning I have to watch for her pinching, scratching and her moving her legs.  Right now she has a thing with pulling my ears especially my NOSE! By moving legs I mean she now does this thing where she has to grab her foot and shake her leg. It is quite funny to watch. Also I may add that any noise will cause her to have to see what happen which results in her often yanking me with her.. not cool at all. Now days we have to have all TV's off and more in a darker setting for her to keep her mind on eating. oh and if she hears her dads voice she looks for him, waiting for him to come up so she can smile at him.

This is all I got for now. I like to make people smile and giggle... because I know I am not the only one who experiences these things while breastfeeding. :) My next post will be in another 3 months! :)