Steven means: "Crowned One" "Victorious." Greek origin.
James means: "He Supplants/supplies" Hebrew/ Greek origin.
- References in Bible: Acts chapters 6 & 7
- Stephen was the first martyr of the Christian church. stoned to death.
- Stephen was a man of faith and full of the Holy Spirit.
- The name Steven is derived from the Greek language meaning Stephanous "crown"
- References in Bible: Book of James, also mentioned in all four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
- James, apostle was also a martyr.
- Servant of God for the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Was a fisherman of men.
The reason why we chose this name is because of my father, Steve James. Though I am not biologically his this man has been there from the beginning. My dad never had children, but we get to call us his. We felt that it would only be appropriate to name our son Steven because we want my dad to live through our son. I want my son growing up in my husband and my fathers footsteps. I want my son to be a God fearing man, a humble man, a man after God's own heart.
Steven James Gonzalez we can't wait for your arrival.