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Monday, June 18, 2012

Love story part 2

Derek and I met in 2004. 
We both had our very first jobs there. I was a team leader and he was just a regular employee. I started to become friends with this guy and he was quite annoying. He did this thing with his hair and he would throw it to the side, like Prince Charming from the Shrek movie. Yes, he did that and he would also go around saying, "I look good."and "woo" I could not stand him.
 Any time I saw my schedule and saw that we were working together I would always make the attempt to get switched to a different position. I did not like him at all and never saw this dude as husband material. I think it was because we were young and both innocent. In 2004 I graduated high school and it was time for me to start looking for another job. According to my father working for Harkins theater past high school was a "kiddie job." My dad forced me to find another one. So in March of 2005 I resigned from Harkins and pursued a new position with Bank of America. I soon forgot about working for Harkins, but I did not forget about my friends. Derek was still working at Harkins and in December of 2005 Derek joined the United States Navy and I was still at Bank of America. 
I soon began dating a guy we'll call Jake. Jake and I dated on and off for two years; it was never really solid with us. But it was cool. At this time we are now in 2007and MySpace was HUGE! One day on MySpace I was searching for friends and I happen to come across Derek's MySpace profile. I figured, "what the heck let me add this guy." We soon became MySpace friends and we really hit it off. We talked daily, I had ended it with Jake and Derek just ended a year long engagement with his ex-fiance. Yes he was previously engaged, no we were not dating; we just became really good friends. We grew up, it wasn't like the old days of him annoying me, he he. My 21st birthday was coming up and Derek was stationed in San Diego at the time he had invited to me to come out for my 21st birthday weekend, and I did. It was the first time that I was going to be seeing him in three years,I wasn't sure what to expect. I'm not going to lie, I saw pictures of Derek.. he definitely wasn't a teenager anymore, he was a man, a man in uniform at that.. it was SEXY. 
As much as I hate to admit this I began loosing my focus and trust in God, but as the story continues God STILL had his way even while we were disobedient.So it was the weekend of my birthday, November 3rd, 2007. 
 I arrive at San Diego Airport around 8 PM. My first thought was, "what the heck am I doing here?". He calls, he's waiting. Alright, got my luggage. And I see him. Wow. He looked way more sexy in person. His smile, that smile melted my heart and still does even when he looks at me that certain way. I get in the car and we are on our way. It didn't even seem like we didn't see each other for years. It felt completely normal.. almost like we picked up where we last left off. That weekend set it off. I instantly fell for him. It was amazing. Leaving him and heading back home sucked, I wasn't sure how long it was going to be before I'd see him again. Luckily, he was only 4 hours away so he'd drive down and I'd fly there. It was any chance we got, we HAD to see each other. It was official, we were dating. 
Here's where things got off track. Derek and I were dating. I was now "trying" to be a Christian and Derek was unsaved... in the worlds terms, he didn't serve God. Fast forwarding to 2008. I am still in Phoenix at this time, I finished with community college and I was still at the bank and Derek was still in the Navy.. Soon it was time for him to choose a base. I believe in his heart he wanted to be in Hawaii or Spain. I wanted him here. I was not ready for us to have that long of a long distant relationship, because it was already hard. Well his choice was to switch from "blue" to "green" meaning he was going to be stationed with Marines. He choose Camp Pendleton, California and soon after he began training, "field med" training to be exact. At the time I didn't realize what the training was going to be used for but now it makes sense to me. He was going to war, we didn't know when or where but at the time it didn't matter. He graduated Field medical training in May of 2008. And I had made my mind up that I was moving to California, really not putting much thought into it, I wanted to be with him. It just didn't matter to me. 
Now we are in September 2008, September 9th 2008 to be exact was the day I picked up and moved my whole life to San Clemente/Capistrano Beach CA. I was so scared. At this time my parents only met Derek once, they heard about him and knew I liked him but they had no idea our intentions. I moved in with a relative, and transferred jobs for Bank of America out to California and I was registered for school. I was set. Things were good. It was so awesome seeing him everyday. Everyday we were together. Things began getting serious. This whole time I was in heaven being with him that I overlooked one thing. Derek was preparing to leave me. I really didn't know what I got myself into.. and this whole time I was questioning myself, "did I make a mistake moving here?
This point in my life I was lost. I did not know what I was doing and I felt like I didn't know who I was. I lost complete control in trusting God, I am guilty of being completely disobedient to what God had for my life. One day Derek and I went to a local mall, and he bought me a wedding ring set. We were going to get married. We briefly talked about it. We were going to get married.
We are now in November, It was going to be Thanksgiving. Me and Derek were going to Arizona to visit. It was a Wednesday night, I believe the 26th we were on our way. I had such a hard day, it was pouring rain and I really didn't feel like driving. After work I was meeting Derek, we were taking two cars. I ran out of gas on base and everything was closed. Derek came and got me. Got gas, and I ended up falling down in a huge puddle of muddy water. I was a hot mess. I did not want to drive to Arizona that night, I wanted to rest. While crying, Derek was filling up the gas on the side of the mountain on base, we were stranded. As I sit in the car crying cause I am soaking wet Derek opens the door. He gets down on one knee, in the pouring rain, on the side of the road inclined on a mountain and asks me to be his wife. I had to ask myself, Lord, is this from you? Please let me know if this is from you.” And following that prayer was the most tremendous feeling of peace and reassurance that I have experienced only from God. It’s as if God said audibly to me, “I want you to do life with this man.” My day was made. and off we went to Arizona.
The next day was Thanksgiving. We spent the holiday separated, he was with his family I was with mine. I was wearing my engagement ring and everyone in my family questioned me. I have to admit this, I lied and told them that it was nothing. The next day is Friday November 28th, 2008. A spare the moment choice, Derek and I ran off and got married. Not any of our family was present. But we loved each other and at the time that is all that mattered. We kept silence and only told his dad. I was so scared to tell my parents I wanted to keep in to ourselves forever. I was devastated that my family wasn't there (even though it was my choice.)

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