Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I LOVE my husband more than words could possibly express

The words to it. since I know he doesnt understand. :-)

I went* walking through streets soaked in oblivion
I went through parks with ghosts and fallen angels
I went without light, I went without sun,
I went without a feeling, I went dying.
I went flying over the sea on broken wings.

Oh love, you appeared in my life and you cured my wounds
Oh love, you are my moon, you are my sun, you are my bread of every day.

You appeared with your light
No, never leave, oh, don't leave, no
You are the glory us both until death

In a world of illusion
I was hopeless
I was abandoned
I lived without feelings
But (then) you came

Oh love, you are my religion
You are light, you are my sun
Open your heart, open your heart

So long ago, my heart*,
I lived in pain, in oblivion
Oh love, you are my blessing, my religion
You are my sun that cures the cold

You appeared with your light,
No, no, no, don't abandon me
No, never, my love
Glory of us both
You are sun, you are my all
You are blessing.

I will live forever by your side with your light
I will die by your side
You are glory and blessing

You are my blessing*
You are my religion

You are my eternity
And even my salvation

I had nothing
And today I have you with glory
With glory, with glory
My love (x5)

You are my blessing
You are my light, you are my sun.

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